I don't believe in all that cold medicine stuff that everyone else swears by, but I'm a sucker for Cold-Eze. I found little white pill things that you suck on that I swear have made my colds short, but then how do you really know - was it just a long cold? Or did it take longer to go away because I was out of Cold-Eze? I can't find those little white disks, but I know that Big Lots (formerly MacFrugal's and formerly Pic 'N Save) has cold lozenges called Cold-Eze, so I had time to go today since I used up my last ones last week. I also had to return a scarf thing to go over the curtain rods in the TV room. I bought 2 and 1 will probably be enough. So we spent $28 but got a $10 refund for the curtain thing.
I looked at the shelf 3 times, and even asked an employee, but on the 3rd try I saw the Cold-Eze! Then I had to agonize over Sugar Free (read: other crap added) or regular. I got the regular. It's not candy, I just suck on a few now and then, and I hopefully won't need them again for a long time, but I wanted to have them for next time. I also found Ricola cough drops, pink flamingo lights (do we have enough lights in the sunroom? Apparently not yet). Our favorite lights are the ones we've found at garage sales for $1, but sometimes you just have to splurge when they are 30% off (like today) and buy a strand, especially when they are pink flamingoes. Everyone needs pink flamingoes.
I also found some cheap yarn ($1 a skein). Big Lots often has yarn, and I've resisted, but I couldn't resist black. It's the fun fur stuff that is annoying to knit with, but they make fun short scarves to wear with sweaters and blouses (not the long coat kind of scarf) in winter. The blue one below is finished with yarn from Big Lots - it will go with jeans which I wear almost every day. Maybe it will even dress up my jeans a bit!

Will tried to check out the bird's nest with the mirror on a stick thing when momma bird was away - he didn't see any eggs and he thinks he saw a little bird (or more?) but it was hard to tell what he was looking at and he didn't want to disturb the birds or the nest. Momma came back and is sitting on the nest, but as you can see, she looks like she's doing something, not just sitting.

And last, but not least, the reason I wasn't able to send both of the fingerless gloves for my niece for her shower was that one was a disaster and had to be re-done! Guess which one is the good one! Since I sent one ahead, I'm hoping the "re-knitted one" matches! I traced the good one, so it should be fine.