Today is Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in 2007 are on September 12* - September 22, 2007 Tishri 1 - 10 Tishri 5768* (Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown September 12, Yom Kippur begins at sundown September 21). The Jewish
High Holy Days are observed during the 10 day period between the first day (
Rosh Hashanah) and the 10th day (Yom Kippur) of Tishri, the seventh month of the Jewish calendar. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are the most important of all Jewish Holidays and the only holidays that are purely religious, as they are not related to any historical or natural event. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is celebrated the first and second days of Tishri.
While I am not relgious, I do not work on the first day of Rosh Hashanah or on Yom Kippur, although I just got a business call that I will have to take.
This morning Mowry was found on the top of the refrigerator, but Will chased him off before I was able to get a pitcure. Blog fodder - pictures good for the blog. It's a low refrigerator, but c'mon Mowry. Bad kitty.
Alex still refuses to get onto my lap when we are sitting in our recliners. I guess Will's lap training paid off. When we first got Alex, Will used to put him on his lap and it was often before he had his evening snack, so now Alex goes on Will's lap when he's in the recliner only, and most often when he is about to eat something. Here is Alex hiding in the closet (thaose are his paws - he THINKS he's hiding, but I can see him, and now so can you). Notice the black cat fur all over my peach dress, courtesy of Al.

Cinders is looking old - it almost seems like she sometimes loses her balance when she gets off the desk via the cat stairs, but she is still climbing up there.
I need to buy more yarn from our local yarn store in Niles for the hat I am knitting: The yarn I bought at Tuesday Morning won't be enough for another hat, so I will probably have to go back there, too.
Time to gripe - doesn't anyone know the English language? How about simple grammar? The only time you use the apostrope is for possessive or conjunction. PLURAL (as in "closed Mondays") means it's (it is) closed on more than one Monday so plural Mondays, but apparently people think their shop or restaurant should be closed on Monday's. I've seen it so many times. If you don't know what is right, ASK SOMEONE. My favorite sign was "Milpitas Next 3 Exit" on a Freeway in Fremont. If you make signs and you don't know it's "Milpitas Next 3 Exits" then you shouldn't be making signs, now should you? If you making signs, you should know this. If you are making a web site you should also know basic grammar.
I often wonder who writes web sites? Is it a professional, or a family member? Connolly's furniture (a local furniture store in Fremont with their annoying children on all their commercials) has some real website problems. "Sofa's and loveseats" - can someone explain to me why "Sofa's" would incorrectly have the apostrophe yet the very next word after 'and' - "Loveseats" does not. Aren't they really the same (both a piece of furniture) so they'd have the same usage? Sadly, I wrote Connolly's a nice letter several years ago telling them about the errors on their website. I don't know what happened, but they never changed anything. I guess they think people want to buy dinning room furniture (the two n's make the pronunciation "dinn ing" rather than "dine ing" - it's simple spelling here; not even grammar. I don't claim to know it all, and I rarely remember the rules as to why we do things (prepositional phrase - who cares what that is), but if someone sent me a very pleasant letter telling me I had errors on my web site, I'd want to correct them, rather than continue sounding really stupid to all who read it and recognize the mistakes, but maybe that's the point - most people wouldn't know that "dinning" is spelled wrong. On one of their web site pages, they even spelled their name wrong. Is it "Connolly's" or "Connoly's"? I'd STILL have made the change because I prefer NOT looking stupid, particularly after someone points out my mistakes to me.
If you find any errors in here - it's ONLY a blog, not my company's web site where I try to sell you things so I need to sound intelligent. I DO try to re-read and edit my blog before it is posted, but if I didn't know proper usage, my editing wouldn't matter.
It's - It's (it is) a nice day out today.
Its - Its collar fell off when the cat ran under the bush. (VERY COMMON mistake - but while it is the cat's collar, it still is not it's collar - I told you I don't always know the rule, but trust me on this one)
The Smiths - We are the Smiths (as in - there is more than one Smith)
If you are writing something and you have questions, find someone and ask them (since most people wouldn't dream of looking it up in a reliable source, including me).