Sorry, no pictures, just whining.
We're at that time of year when time flies. It's already October 24th. We're less than 2.5 months from 2008.
I have been taking BART to San Francisco most weekdays, and while it's great not to drive, and it's great to be able to read for 45 minutes and then get a nice, brisk three block walk each way, I must be a magnet for annoying people. Today on the way home I had a guy who was reading a magazine out loud. Quietly, but out loud. It appeared that English wasn't his first language, and it was probably easier for him, but he was on BART, sitting next to me. On the way in I sat next to someone who sniffed and snorted much of the way. While some of this might not bother most people, I am very sensitive to these annoying things. So while I like taking BART, I'm always happy to get off BART and into the fresh air, except in San Francisco where I have to dodge the smokers who can't smoke in their office building, so instead they are out on the street rain or shine, and I end up dodging walking smokers. I once got burned by a careless smoker's cigarette back when they allowed people to smoke in offices, so I'm a little cranky about this. There must be some way to separate the smokers from the non-smokers in the city. One side of the street for smoking, the other for no smoking? Not likely!
It's also a matter of time before I see a pedestrian get hit by a car since they are often quite stupid about walking against red lights. On a one-way street you can usually tell that it's safe if your light is red, but with an increase in cars running red lights and doing stupid things, why risk it? What if a car with the right of way comes around the corner to make a turn and doesn't see the pedestrian crossing against the light? How much longer is it to wait until the light turns green? So enough complaining about the city, or rather the people in or on their way to the city - it's a great city and I feel like I'm on vacation every day I go, even if I'm getting off of BART, going up the escalator, and walking three blocks to a client's office where I work! It beats going to Silicon Valley, a place you won't find on a map because it's a made up name for several cities that used to be the Santa Clara Valley, and it thinks much more highly of itself than I think of it. I much prefer SF even with all the above annoyances. So thank you for letting me whine. And if you are a snorter or a smoker who blows your smoke in my face, or almost burns me, or a reader-out-louder, my apologies since you're probably a nice person in spite of it.
Aunt Mare had surgery today and the report is that she's doing well. That's great news.
I'm watching game 1 of the World Series, and I'm disappointed that the Boston Red Sox are beating the Colorado Rockies 13 to 1 and it's only the bottom of the seventh inning. I liked the Red Sox a few years ago when they won the WS, but since then I've heard that they are another team with a humongous payroll like the Yankees, and they won just a few years ago, and my niece just moved to Colorado with her new husband, so I'm going with the Rockies. Good thing it's a best of seven series.
Alex is doing very well, and going to the vet for a re-check appointment this weekend. He's back to his old self, humping his little brother Mowry. I'm told it's a feline dominance thing since they are both neutered males. Alex has been following me from room to room all night. I'm not sure if it's because he loves me, or because we no longer leave food for them to graze because Alex has special diet food, so we now have feeding times. This is a concept the formerly free-grazing cats don't quite get yet, but they're learning. And we both swear that Alex has been purring more since he's been home, and what a great purr he has.
I've had this weird rash that I think came from a weed in my garden, not poison oak, but acting like it, so I've been playing "stump the doctor". The dermatologist gave me cream and said to come back in a week if it wasn't gone. Monday was a week and it looked BAD. It was red, itchy and gross. It either spread, or I had a new rash in places, mostly on my arms, a little on my neck and a little on my face. I couldn't get an appointment until today, and wouldn't you know it? It's MUCH better, although it's still there, so he called in another doc to look at it (you can't find that if you go to a private doctor who practices alone, just another reason why we like Kaiser) and they agreed on a stronger cream and come back in 10 days if it's not better. I can't believe how much better it is today than it was on Monday, but it's not gone. Thursday will be three weeks since I've had this annoying rash. Is that like the car you take to the mechanic and it stops making the noise that brought you there? At least it was there enough for the two docs to see. The itch is driving me crazy.
It's my blog and I'll whine if I want to, but ENOUGH WHINING!