It's almost Thanksgiving. Then comes "Black Friday" - the day that stores open as early as 4 am for special sales. I admit it - we went to Target one year with my niece at 6 am when visiting my sister in Orange County and it was then we decided never again. It wasn't worth it. OK, we went back the next year, but NOT at 6 am. This year we'll be at Trader Joe's for grocery shopping, on Friday, but also not at 6 am.
The pictures above and below are of the Niles Canyon Railway train of lights coming into Niles. It's decorated for Christmas inside and out and is an annual fundraiser for the NCR (
http://www.ncry.org/) that is always a fast sellout. Since we volunteered on a few Sundays to help out when the train was in town, we were invited to a free test train ride last night.

The only problem was that it was cold for us California Weather Wimps. People kept walking thru the car leaving the door to the outside open. On the ride back from Sunol to Niles we found a different car that had been for a private party that was now done, so there was some food and the car was warmer.

Below is Niles Blvd. in Niles from the train. You can't appreciate how nice it looks from this picture, but I had to include it. It looks like a train set town.

Wow - this looks interesting. Can I help? What is it you are doing here anyway? Meow.

I see now, you're blocking a vest inside out. Hmmm, all those little strings (I guess you call it yarn) are very interesting to a cat, you know.

I finished my sock FINALLY. After a few too many ripouts and change of needles size, and everything else that almost caused me to give up, I ran out of yarn. Had I known, I would have made the calf part smaller, but I'm not about to rip again, so I used some black contrasting yarn for the toe. It looks funky and is bigger than my first sock, but it fit when I tried it on, so now I just have to make another one just like it!

We had two items to return to Costco and we love their apple pie - it's the best value ($8.99 for a HUGE pie - see the bowls and travel coffe mug for size), comes right out of their oven, and tastes delicious.

It looks even better when it's out of the box! I cook, but I don't bake so I had to buy a pie.
I know what you're thinking - COSTCO??? Didn't she have "Costco Meltdown" just last week? We got there at 9:30 am because they open for business card holders at 10:00 am. We parked next to some big Chevy Tahoe that made shade for us, and waited a few minutes.
I thought Costco would be like Southwest Airlines (see prior blogs!) and not open one second before 10:00 am, but I was pleasantly surprised and wrong. They let us in about 14 minutes BEFORE 10! Will went to the return line, and I went straight for the bakery with all the other shoppers. They had pecan pie (neither of us like that), pumpkin pie (mmmmm, but someone else is baking a pumpkin pie) and Apple Pie. I also found a few other things we needed, and we were out of the store a few minutes before 10. We were on our way home by 10:05 am.
This is what I needed - an EXTREMELY positive Costco experience after the EXTREMELY sucky one last week. But I know not to get too excited as it could be bad any time again and maybe I should stick by my suggestion to not go to any Costco until January 2008! Why press my luck!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all! Let's all remember the things we have to be thankful for.
(I wish the spaces between paragraphs weren't so funky when this blog posts! The formatting looks fine before I hit "publish post")