Mowry thinks this is very interesting.
Hmmm, this smells funny!
We're going to Ziggy's former humans to review video games and have dinner. I hope I can get in some knitting time since I'm not that good at games.
Happy New Year to all and to all a Happy New Year!
The pictures are from Friday, but this was updated Saturday.
I'm knitting a baby blanket for a colleague who is due in March, but I haven't taken any pictures of it yet.
My cousin Traci sent more pictures of her street in Durango, CO:
Can I really complain about 35 degrees when I see this? It's absolutely gorgeous, but it looks COLD!
Will needs to go to Fry's today (see post from two days ago) and there is a Walmart right near there, so I may brave Walmart while he's at Fry's. I thought we'd throw on clothes and go when we woke up, but somehow it was hard to get going - you think at 35 degrees it's easy to get motivated to go outside? It was 49 INSIDE! We like our house cold when we sleep as long as we are warm with many blankets, including an electric blanket that we used to only use to warm up the bed when we got in, but now we sometimes leave on at low all night. Double controls - the only way to go! 49 is WAY too cold inside!