We went to Sahuarita, AZ, which is south of Tucson. This is a trip that was postponed from October when Alex was sick and he needed medication, observation and love, none of which he would accept from anyone but us. We took Southwest Airlines, which is always a pain (see prior posts) but while we left about 5-15 minutes late on each leg, we got in on time! While their new system still isn't assigned seating, it worked! Did I just say that? I may complain when things suck, but I also admit when they work or I am not right.

It was nice to meet Will's childhood friend and his wife. They were very gracious hosts opening their home and weekend to us.
Friday night we went for Mexican food at a place that had been around since 1922. The wait was absurd, but I attribute that to one inept hostess, and one good hostess - they only needed the good one. The food was excellent.
On Saturday we went to the Titan Missile Museum. http://www.titanmissilemuseum.org/, the only publicly accessible Titan II missile site in the nation. We toured the underground missile site, saw the 3-ton blast doors, the 8-foot thick silo walls, and an actual Titan II missile in the launch duct. 
This is the underground launch control center where the prospective, but never needed launch would have taken place.

Then we went for a drive and walked around the desert. I always thought desert was cactus and sand, but Will loves the desert and I try to see it thru his eyes. While the Phoenix/Scottsdale area seems more like cactus and sand, this area was really quite spectacular. 

When cactus turns purple, it needs water. I didn't know that ever happened.
Apparenty there is a spot on my lense that closes when not in use, so hopefully I was able to clean it off today.
Who knew it can be colder in AZ than in Fremont, CALIFORNIA? It was in the 30s at night, but it was windy and chilly at Oakland Airport when we got home.
We had lunch at Wisdom's in Tumacacori, AZ (http://www.wisdomscafe.com/) that has been there since 1944. I couldn't pronounce that if I heard it 10 times. Great burger!
There was some colorful stuff here outside of the natural beauty.
We even crossed the Santa Cruz River without a bridge in a Chevy Impala. Apparently you can do that in the desert if you know what to do, how deep it is, etc. No pictures, though. I was IN the car. Below is one of the many ways Border Patrol keeps a watch.
This pecan orchard is very close to where they live.
Jerry and Jane have an adorable silky poo (part silky terrier and part poodle). Somehow I didn't think of taking her picture! She was really cute for a dog! But we missed our kitties.
Unfortunately for our friends, Ken and Diann, the burglar alarm went off when they came in on Sunday, after all had gone well for them on Saturday. The 91 year old neighbor across the street called the police. I didn't know she could even hear the alarm. Ken and Diann talked to the police and met our neighbor next door. When we came home, I opened the door and the alarm seemed different, but only when I called Diann did I find out what had happened. I called our neighbor to thank her - it's good to know neighbors care enough to watch out for you, and do something if they think there may be a problem. That alarm is VERY loud. I hope they are still willing to check on the kitties when we go to LA in a few weeks.
We missed our kitties, who were VERY bad this morning. At about 5:00 this morning I was dreaming about something work-related when I heard a loud crash that in my dream I thought was an earthquake. Will got up to see what it was - someone (could he be orange, cute and smaller than his brother?) knocked over the kitchen table. The kitchen table isn't particularly strong or sturdy, but that must have been quite a leap to knock it over. I'm just glad I moved the two old 1950s yellow and green bowls I keep on the table before we went away. BAD KITTY. They don't look like they could cause trouble, but take my word for it!
We had a very nice trip. It was fun to see Will and Jerry reminiscing about old times when they were just boys getting into boy kinda trouble, and catching up - meeting two of their kids, the 3 grandkids, etc. But Dorothy was right - there's no place like home! We were glad to get home!
We hope they will come to Niles to see us this summer or next.