And of course, more orange:
And of course, more orange:
Grouchy would be Cinders, but lately her favorite spot is on the cat bed on our bed. Poor old Cinders - she's all matted, and we should probably have her shaved, but she'd have to be put out and she'd hate it and who knows if she would make it. we're trying to decide now what's best. She is the one who plays the most at play time. Mowry and Alex mostly watch.
Alex is sitting with his paws pressing on the DVD player. Better than when he puts his head on it. He doesn't photograph well in this light, but he's a beauty, even with his undercoat getting a little gray.
Speaking of cats, our friends had to put down their cat today. This is the second time for them in a just a few months. They went from three cats to one, and it was very sad both times. Their remaining cat could be Alex's twin. If they were not a year or two apart, we'd think they were separated at birth. We know how hard it is to lose a cat, and our hearts go out to them.
We're getting closer to the debut for Will's new band formed last August. It's March 12th at a local coffee brewing place. I hope they have a great time!
My Dad is still having trouble getting online. I wonder if it's the Fry's dial up service or something he is doing. I hope someone near him can help him since I'm a plane ride away. Erin has been helping when she's there, but the problem is when she leaves and he's by himself with his laptop!
It's a rich brown/gray color to which this photo doesn't do a lot of justice.
I made this scraf one day - it's very short scarf and I attached a pin to hold it together. I used yarn that the woman who posted for her needles and leftover yarn a month or so ago gave me. I used it all, and it came out nice. I really like the yarn. I used a brooch, but I saw someone at Stitches using funky buttons to hold together a scarf. Interested idea.
The orchids are beautiful. I hope the rain doesn't destroy them. So far it seems they like the rain. They are in full bloom here.
Durango had some excitement yesterday. I check the webcam daily, and I got my friend, Holly, to look at it. It's a fun diversion from the workday looking at my computer all day. She was looking at it around 1:00 pm when she noticed smoke and fire engines. The fire burned three businesses, two of them restaurants. There ended up being an explosion, and seven firefighters were injured. Holly was frantic - she emailed me several times with updates saying "you picked a bad day to be gone". It was quite a coincidence that the fire occurred right on the stretch that the web cam views. This is today with the road closed and people milling about checking out the scene. The fire was to the left, just behind the banner.
The neck is much tighter and it wouldn't fit over a blouse. Maybe a camisole, but that's it. I'm happy with it, but I wish I would have known that I would have been happier had I made it a little bigger. I probably had enough yarn to make it slightly wider. Well live and learn. I guess I will use the EXACT yarn called for in the pattern next time, and hopefully I won't have to worry about it. Did I mention that I DID measure? See how I'm not good at measuring and math and all that stuff?
It's almost 9 am and I am trying to figure out where I'm going today, if anywhere. The client scheduled for today sent me an email (after leaving a voicemail, even though I request email since I check that far more often than voicemail) after 6:00 pm last night asking if I could change to Weds or Thurs, so now I'm waiting to find out if the client scheduled for a few hours on Thurs can switch to today. I'm glad this doesn't happen too often. This has been a strange month - not too much work, lots of switching around, clients not ready for me when I get there.
I may end up home today, but that would be okay since I have lots of things to do. Then I will have to double up tomorrow - not my favorite thing, but what can I do?
I'm always glad to recycle. We had gotten both chairs free from similar posts within the past 8 months, and we enjoyed them both. Now we are able to give them to others who will enjoy them. I'm really glad Diann is taking the green chair.
Speaking of green, my green sweater is coming along, although I admit I ripped out the second sleeve after this picture was taken because I didn't count how many stitches I picked up to make the first sleeve, and the second sleeve seemed slightly larger, so I'm redoing it. I'm really happy with this, and I may look for appropriate yarn at Stitches on Friday to make another.
UPDATE: I'm bidding on this same yarn on Ebay (5 skeins of the green, 2 skeins of yellow, 2 skeins of pink, and 8 skeins of turquoise). Maybe I should put in a higher bid. This yarn is no longer made, though I'm not sure why because it's nice to knit with and the result is great. If I get this, I won't need to buy yarn at Stitches!The sweater that I am working on is in the same yarn as the green you see in this photo. It's a beautiful color, and my photo does not do the color justice.
I went on Thursday to hear Will's new band and take pictures with my digital camera. Ken and Diann also went and Ken took pictures with his film camera. Out of the many pictures I took, two were pretty good. Ken's may even be better!
I finished sock pair #4 and I'm wearing them!
One is slightly larger than the other but it's so minimal it is okay. HOW does that happen? Can you guess which one? Or is it my foot that is different? Ha! It's not in the look, but the feel!I'm trying to finish my cotton sweater so I can wear it to Stitches West a week from Friday. I realized I didn't have short enough size 7 circulars, or enough size 7 DPNs (double pointed needles - yes, Will reads this blog). Why I'd have only 3 size 7 DPNs is beyond me, but I guess I got it at an estate sale, and one of the size 8 DPNs look so close to the size 7...but I digress. Diann saved me by letting me borrow her size 7 DPNs. Thank you, Diann. And this was the view as the sun started to set as I was leaving her house. Did everyone notice the sun is setting later? That is especially nice on these warmer days. I know it will be cold again - it snowed on the hilltops above us in March a few years ago - but until then, enjoy!