It's gray and wet but not raining. It rained last night.
We went to the library booksale. It's Friday night for members, Saturday for the public and then Sunday clearance. We usually go on Sunday when it's $3 a bag instead of 75 cents per inch, but we decided we'd get a better selection, and maybe there'd be fewer people, if we went early enough on Saturday. (If we went late Saturday we could just wait until Sunday opening and get it for $3 a bag with the same selection). Maybe we'd also be more selective. We got there about 15 minutes after it opened, and it got crowded during that time. Will bought a few hardback books, and I bought a book about the 1965 New York World's Fair with great ads (to read and maybe sell on ebay?) and another little book. There were no knitting books. There were lots of cookbooks, but I didn't see any I had to have. Mystery hardbacks were 25 cents each, but I can get those at the library, or from my friend, Diann, who has a wall of mysteries and she doesn't mind loaning them to me.
Then we went to a garage sale that we almost skipped because of the chilly, gray weather. It was a yarn fest. I was looking around and noticed circular knitting needles in their sealed packages, when the woman selling told me she had yarn. It was right behind where I was looking, where I had just come from - how could I have missed it? LOTS of yarn.
I bought a bunch of yarn, two circular needles and wine charms for $5.

Diann has taught me to not use much acrylic (acrylic has its place). There was some wool, some acrylic. The most expensive skein was 50 cents for the skein, and the cheapest were 10 cents a skein. I could have stayed longer, but out of defference to the very patient Will, and the fact that I didn't really need much, I tried to hurry myself along.
The blue, white and pink are for my baby blanket stash. When I work for someone while they are on maternity leave, I sometimes make them a baby blanket. I didn't get a gig for a maternity leave coverage that I thought I was going to get, but I like this woman, and it was her boss, not her, who chose someone else for bogus reasons, but don't get me (or her) started, and since I like her, I will make her a baby blanket.
The beige/burgundy is wool, the turqouise-ish is Peruvian wool from KnitPicks. I'm hoping I have enough for the short little scarves I like to make.

This is the whole bunch I got.

These purple, beige, blue, gray socks were the first pair of socks I knitted.
My cousin says the pictures of my socks on this blog look, well, sort of misformed. She was afraid to tell me. As you can see above, they do look kind of funny, but they fit on my feet perfectly! Look!

Tonight we're going to dinner at friends who live in an old farmhouse that was built in 1860. They also rescue cats (she does, he tolerates) so they have many cats, along withtwo geese. The geese live outside and are quite amusing. They hang out all day in the gated yard, and are kept in a pen at night.
They are friends with our realtors, so they will also be there. The husband was giving a talk in the library that we attended two years ago, and I had my knitting in a bag that I got from a professional association conference. She was sitting behind me, noticed my bag, and we started talking. She was very helpful, loaning us things to "stage" our townhouse after we moved out and were trying to sell it. I can't believe I just used the word "stage" - it makes me cringe when realtors use that word, except when a house is empty, I can understand wanting to put some things in it. Every time I think about this I am reminded again of how happy I am that we are DONE with that process.
It's noon and it's only 55 degrees outside. That's COLD for California! We're still in California, right?