Lots of things going on. My Aunt Margaret, who turned 100 last November, passed away yesterday. Unfortunately, she's not a blood relative (my mother's brother's wife), but she was an inspiration. Her house was from the 1950s (like ours) and is very retro. Will got to see it on a visit a couple years ago, and he's been talking about it ever since. She got to live in her house until she died, with a caretaker, of course, and what a great thing that was for her. While I won't be able to attend the funeral on Thursday, Aunt Margaret will be in my heart. I haven't seen her in awhile, but I think of her and remember times, especially when our family moved to California in 1959 and we lived with Aunt Margaret and Uncle Mike for a few months. Wow - 100 years old!!!
We are sending Will's mother and her soon-to-be new husband down to visit us. I'm once again dealing with Southwest Airlines, or as I call them, South
worst Airlines. They still can't figure out that choosing seats before you get on the flight is desirable. Southwest, you might want to send spies to fly on Virgin America to see how it's done.

When we took VA, we didn't have to line up an hour ahead because no matter when we boarded, our seats were waiting for us - BECAUSE THEY ARE ASSIGNED SEATS.

Seats I pick on the computer when I book my flight. What a concept! Maybe now that SW's Chairman is retiring, whomever takes his place will realize we don't want to be treated like cattle. We want to be civilized. We want assigned seating.
But I digress. I have a $43 credit with Southwest that expires on June 25th, but they won't be coming here until June 27th, so it seems that Southwest once again gets to keep some of my money for NOTHING. And to show just how stupid this airline is (or maybe they are smart and some of their customers are stupid), they told Will when he called for me that they could extend this deadline but it would cost me $50. Hello? Do the math. I'd owe those idiots money. Sure, can you sign me up? I think they may have misunderstood the question and they think I'm trying to extend an award. Whatever, they suck. This is probably a big revenue maker for them.
Maybe other airlines are the same, and some charge to change reservations, where Southwest does not, but it seems unfair, and if Southworst wanted to be thought of as better than the airlines, they'd change this STUPID, CHEAP, ANNOYING policy, AND they'd also assign seats. It's a shame they cost less than most other airlines (but I guess you get what you pay for. I want to get there safely, and pay as little as I can to do that). I checked Virgin America, and while they are only $7 each way per person more than SW, they only go to San Francisco Airport, and that isn't worth it. So once again Southwest wins, even though they bug me enough to not want to travel any more unless I have to.
I went to Google (also not my favorite business - they REQUIRE their employees to have a 4.0 college grade point average even if college was 25 years ago - yet another stupid policy by a company run by idiots) and typed in "southwest sucks" and guess what? I'm NOT the only one who hates Southwest!
I found a website called "Southwest Sucks" (well sort of)
http://www.southwestsucks.com/ and guess what? It's a Southwest site. They know someone else would take that site if they didn't! I love the message that is posted at
A Message From Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines strives to maintain a high level of Customer Service and is proud of its corporate reputation and responsiveness to its Customers. As part of that effort, Southwest wants to control the release of inaccurate and irresponsible information about the Company via the Internet. If you would like more information on Southwest, please go to
Me, again - I do not think they know what Customer Service actually is. They think, and sadly some of their customers think, flight attendents who make stupid jokes and wear shorts on a flight is customer service. It is
not. Refunding my money so I'd be a happy customer who would be happy to turn around and book another flight on Southwest
is customer service. Assigning my seat before I get on the plane so I don't feel like saying "Moow" like a cow as I get on the plane
is customer service. Allowing me to contact them via email instead of snail mail or calling
is customer service. But since they get to keep my money anyway, they don't really give a ..... do they?
Good news: I found a flight that is on Alaska Airlines that is about the same amount less than Southwest's flight as the amount Southwest is making off me by not letting me us the money in "my" account.

And now for important stuff - the brown sweater is coming along. I have to do the second sleeve and then crochet around the edges, particularly by the neck, as you can see. I had my shoulder up, so this is a funny picture, but all the more fitting for "blog fodder". It's still a little bit shorter than I had orginally hoped for, but it fits and I like it.