It's HOT. Way too hot. How hot is it? How too hot is it? Since I think 72 is ideal, and it's 98 (and ONLY 12:25 pm, and the hottest part of the day is a few hours away, unlike Southern California where the hottest part of the day is between 12 and 2 pm) it's at least 26 degrees TOO HOT!
A few nights ago we took a walk, and this is what we saw:
Pretty tree with many yellow blossoms. I didn't photograph the mess on the sidewalk from the tree!

Pretty flowers. We saw MANY of these along the way.

Here is the view of the magnolia and avocado trees from the house that backs up to ours.

And of course there's the token cat who thinks he or she is hiding. This time the cat meowed at us!

When my former neighbor gave us this beautiful tablecloth, there was one with mostly blues, and this one. At the time, I had no green in our house, so I put it away and rarely used it. I saw it for sale at the local Art and Wine Festival and it was very expensive.

I think this may be like the blue one that she kept - we found it today at an estate sale for $2. And I find my best dish towels at estate and/or garage sales. This estate sale was put on by a private party who happens to live two blocks away from us, though the sale was in the next city. She is the person who is close in size to me, so I've bought several items of clothing from her - including the denim dress I was wearing!!!!

Then we went to a professionally run estate sale near the first one that was put on by the people with estate sales we've frequented before. We've never gotten there close to opening on Fridays, so we were surprised there was a line to get inside, and a number system that didn't quite work. Instead of having two people go in when two people came out, the gal at the door was waiting, and then she went in to check, and it was so hot and annoying but I finally got in while Will sat on a bench outside under a tree. The worst part was, there wasn't anything I cared about inside.
When we got home, Mow was on another level of his "crow's nest". He doesn't usually sit here. The top level is his domain!

I finally ordered yarn and accessories to use up the gift certificate given to me by a colleague. It arrived at our PO Box yesterday, but I had a seminar all day, and didn't get to pick it up until today. Yarn isn't as exciting when it's 98 degrees outside as it is in winter, but it's always good. And I just checked the "weatherbug" program on my computer, and you can make that 100 - it's 100 degrees outside. I can barely bare to look at the temp reading inside - it's "only 94" in our office with two window fans and a big regular fan. Here's the yarn in the box.

Her's the yarn "outside of the box" to use a cliche I've heard too many times! I think it's funny when used literally!

And finally, yarn outside of the bag - Mowry couldn't help himself. The black yarn is for socks (I can never find matching store-bought black socks when I need them), trekking yarn for socks (I love the pair Diann is knitting, and this is similar, but more "Joan" colors, a couple of fuzzies for scarves (gifts?), bamboo double-pointed knitting needles (I've been using aluminum DPNs that my mom used to use, and I like them, but I'm told I'd love bamboo), cable holders (I may experiment on the scarves) and DPN holders so yarn doesn't fall off the DPNs while in use (and I don't have to attach the big blue rubber bands that come on broccoli bunches, though that works, too, most of the time).

Alex found something interesting that got him on his hind legs. Look at things around him to judge his size. He is long, wide, long-haired furry, and TALL! That's Cinders peering at me behind him. I swear that if he ever got out, we'd hear alerts of a "bear sighting" in Fremont! He's really that big.

It's too hot in this office. I'm going to try to find a cool spot. I bet there aren't many when it's 100 degrees outside!!!!