Our 14th Anniversary is on Thursday, but we're celebrating today. We exchanged small inexpensive but special gifts. We both think presents are not important unless you find something the other really wants, and it isn't expensive. It's even more special if it is from a garage or estate sale! Will gave me the double yellow Melamine dish that he got at a sidewalk sale in our little town a few months ago, and the smaller bowls I found to match at an estate sale on Friday:

and I gave him a Fisher Space Pen to replace the one he recently lost. This one came with a suede case, so it won't fall out of his pocket as the last one did.

And without the case it looks like this....
Funny story about this pen - actually two stories. This isn't the first one Will lost, and one day I was in a dressing room at Ross Stores in SF and I looked down and there was a pen just like the one he lost. There was also a whole Seinfeld episode about a pen like this.
Alex has been hiding in my closet lately. That's him below my dresses.

He can't really hide from me and my camera!

Tonight we're going to a local restaurant with our friends, Ken and Diann. We wanted to take them to dinner to thank Ken for helping Will help Kathryn move a few weeks ago, and to both for having dinner for us after the move. Will is also going to play bongos on a few numbers at the restaurant with his guitarist friend, Eddie, who is playing with someone named Ryan who we don't know. It will be a nice way to celebrate our anniversary.
We went to a few garage sales today. Actually, several - we were able to park our car and walk at a few neighborhood sales, but all we came up with was a small tea kettle for Kathryn (perfect for her small stove - someone who no longer has their RV was selling it for $2), and a plastic ice tray (for 10 cents!) and a sponge holder that suctions to the sink (for 5 cents). Why we didn't get two sponge holders is beyond me!
I'm actually watching someone who lives down the street ride his motorcycle up and down the block while holding a baby on the seat. A BABY! Not even a seven year old who begged for a ride (to which he COULD say no). I wonder if we did a scientific study of how many people out there are complete idiots and who don't know when to wipe their noses (or whatever), if it would be close to 90% as I think it is? Or am I just a jerk magnet who attracts these morons so I see more of them? I hope it's the latter, but I doubt it.
Diann had a great picture on her blog of veggies from her garden. These are not from my garden, but the lemons fell off the next door neighbor's tree into our yard. The silver holder is one I bought at a garage sale a few months ago for 75 cents, and I love how it looks filled with veggies and fruit. In the background behind the top tier next to the window is the needlepoint picture Aunt Mare made for me. You can't see what it is, but you can see it is hanging there to look at every day!

I do not bake. I cook. I don't like to measure and be exact. I want to throw in a little of this or that if I feel like it, and you can't really do that with baking since it's chemistry. Diann made a delicious chocolate zucchini cake that she brought over when she came for dinner a few weeks ago, so I tried the recipe today. It looks good, and it smelled great, but I won't taste it until our brunch tomorrow.

We invited our realtors and the couple who introduced us to them. They've each had us to their house, so it's our turn. I'm serving (in no specific order) bagels, cream cheese, smoked salmon, orange juice (with or without champagne), cut up fruit (courtesy of Carol and Jim, the realtors), coffee, tea, green salad, roasted carrots (but since I have so much leftover zucchini, I'm making it roasted carrots and zucchini following a recipe I found online for roasted carrots), olives, either scones or an egg dish (courtesy of Debra and Ed, she didn't tell me which, but knowing her, probably both, but I hope not!), and the chocolate zucchini cake. Did I forget anything? I hope not., but I have a list!
Last but not least, we went to open mic at the local coffee house last night. Will wasn't motivated, but surprisingly, it was me who wanted to go. I don't usually care to watch kids perform, but these nine year old twin boys were playing electric guitars (one a Fender and one a Gibson - and I'm totally non-musical, but even I know those are good ones) and they played great! They sang a few songs from the 70s, and played well, knew all the lyrics and even harmonized. Then they did one original song, and it was obvious they wrote it by the lyrics, but it was a good song. It was well worth the price of admission (there is no admission charge) and a fun evening with the other performers, as well.
THE END of today's long post!