Speaking of religion, these people looked like they were religious people "selling" their religion. I'm glad they didn't knock on our door. One thing about growing up Jewish, we never prosletized and prosletizing is something I don't agree with. I totally appreciate that people have different beliefs, but don't try to sell yours to me. In fact, you don't even have to tell me about your religion. To me it's a private matter. These people could have been selling something else. The AT&T sales people came to our door in white polo shirts. Either way, I don't particularly want anyone knocking on my door selling anything.
I also believe that cats create harmony in the world. If more people petted cats, we would probably have more peace, less killing, etc. Of course you have to be careful which cats you pet. If you pet Cinders and she doesn't want to be petted, there could be blood, and it won't be hers.
Here's Alex doing one of his favorite things, eating. I couldn't remember if we got him in 2000 or 1999 but I just found the check records and it was Oct 7, 2000. Our vet thinks it was 1999, but I think our check records tell the story.