Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday Pictures

Yesterday we found one estate/garage sale. I bought the larger bowl and a nice picture that was still in its cardboard for $1. I had the smaller bowl from an estate or garage sale earlier this year. They aren't exact, but they are closer than the colors in the picture. Perfect for our retro house.
I think Mow is looking for Ziggy. It's a hobby of his.
I think he spotted him.
Nope! Ziggy was hiding in one of Alex's spots - in the closet by my dresses.
And here's a picture of Alex in the closet- they look very similar.
It snowed again today in Castle Rock, CO.

It's 64 right now where we live. It's snowING at Eisenhower Tunnel in CO.

I started shopping for soft foods for my periondontal surgery a week from Tuesday. This will be hard for me - I like to chew my ice cream (Chocolate Fudge Chunk with pieces of fudge chunks) and soup (I put lots of things in my soup so it's not just broth).

We never buy stuff like this becuase I usually make my own soup; I don't eat oatmeal or mashed potatoes, and if I eat MPs I make them!

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Last night was the 7th (?) annual Festival of Lights Parade and Christmas Tree Lighting in Niles. We went for the first time last year because we can walk there. We parked our car a block away from the parade yesterday afternoon, walked home, and then bundled up and walked to the parade later.

Waiting for the parade to start...
The Fremont Police and Firefighters started the parade....

A cool old 1958 Chevrolet that was Will's favorite parade entry...

The baloon didn't photograph well because it was so dark, but we had two baloons just like the Macy's parade in NY. The baloon holders came out good!

Tap dancing Christmas trees that were my favorite entry reminiscent of the Doo Dah parade in Pasadena. It started out as a spoof of the Rose Parade about 25 years ago, and was held the Sunday after Thanksgiving.
It looks like it's been moved to July - but somewhere else it says January, so who knows! I went one year and it was a lot of fun. My favorite group the year I attended the nuns pushing baby carriages. Everything and everyone is made fun of at the Doo Dah parade. Whatever is the rage that year. There will probably be a lot of Sarah Palins this year, but I digress.

And of course there was Santa at our parade.

Then we went to a concert by Michael McNevin and Patrick (who plays in Will's band).

It was foggy and chilly this morning by California standards.
Yesterday it snowed at the Eisenhower Tunnel in Colorado...
and in Durango, Colorado...

and today there was snow in Castle Rock, where my niece lives.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Friday Pictures and Updates

Last night we had a fabulous Thanksgiving at our friends'. The food, the company, etc. was all great.

This morning our neighbor's house was TP'd. I'm told it's the sign of a popular teenager. I'm glad we don't have one! The house straight down when you look past the big tree is the one we bid on in 2006 and didn't get. The people who got it were at Thanksgiving dinner last night. We each got the right house for us!
The beard is coming along.

Last night Ziggy slept on our bed for awhile between our shoulders, after I put him on the bed. This morning Will put him on the bed and he stayed and purred and got petted.

Later on he was stalked by Alex, and here is Mowry under the bed in Zig's usual spot. There was some hissing and growling and whining.
I guess Ziggy's figured out the humans are okay, but he still doesn't like Mowry or Alex.

Here he is back on the bed. He likes it when the bed is unmade so he can snuggle by Will's pillows.

I didn't do anything wrong. It must have been Alex who was chasing and snarling at Ziggy.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all who read this. Now is a good time to remember all that we have to be thankful for. Especially when times are bad, if we take pleasure in the little things, we are thankful for all the good things and we respect each other, life will be good.

Mowry - on the bed in his nap spot, of course.

Ziggy, on the bed near the pillows away from other cats. Notice the paw outstretched!

Alex on the cat bed on the guest room couch. It isn't really a guest room since we sleep here when we have guests, but I digress. Notice his back paws outstretched and his front paw curled under.

Yes, that was all three of them on the bed. Notice Ziggy in the back as far away from the other two as he can be. I think he's started trusting the humans, but isn't quite sure about these curious cats. Mowry is sleeping, and Alex is looking away. I want to get a picture of all 3 up close, but that will take more time. I remember a picture Ziggy's former humans had of their 3 cats taken a few years ago on their bed, and they were not close together, either!

Alex was on my leg, but it's because he loves this down throw!

The purple socks are now done, but this was taken when sock #2 was being knitted.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Weds VERY early .....UPDATED 10:45 am at end...

'Twas the night before the day before Thanksgiving and all through the night, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. And then suddenly at 3:22 am there was a loud crash and cats scattering and a husband waking from a deep sleep knowing exactly what he heard, even though I had been awake for a few minutes and wasn't sure what the heck the crash was. Sorry, no pictures. I thought of doing a re-enactment, but decided against it. The kitchen table was on its side, the table cloth on the floor, as was the napkin holder and napkins...and no cats to know who was the guilty one as they had all scattered. Grrrrowwwwwwwwwwllllllllllllllllll.
I learned that from Ziggy!

This is Ziggy's new habit - hanging out in the sink! He used to do this in his former humans' former house, so he came to us with this cool drinking fountain. No, not the wine bottle.

On a completely different topic, here is the red umbrella that stands (or stood when I was there in 1998) outside the Citicorp building in New York. I thought it was stupid then. No comment now. How could the largest bank be failing? Bad management?

I think I've mentioned this before, but I was at the office (rather than at a client's) when Citigroup took over the single-letter symbol "C" from Chrysler when Chrysler was acquired by Daimler and no longer using "C". We all got to listen to a conference call with an excited company president gleefully telling us how grateful we should be to have only one of 26 single-letter symbols. As if anyone gave a *****. I wonder if everyone is still excited now that their stock is in single digits? Here's perspective - it was at $52 a couple of years ago. Maybe I should have bought some a few days ago when it was under $4. It's now at $6.99. That would have been quite a nice profit if I bought 1,000 shares and sold them two days later at $6.99, but who had ANY faith? NOT me! Think WAMU.....

I am so glad I haven't worked for those bozos since 1999.

I'm getting ready to send out my calendar holiday cards to clients. Here is this year's:

Back on the home front....the new shed in the backyard behind us now has a roof and a blue tarp on the roof. Maybe it IS going to rain.

I still miss the greenery they cut down.The plant from my client's office is doing well in our yard. Sadly, the company is not doing well with failed drug trials, cutting staff from 123 to 15 etc. etc. etc.And of course, the obligatory Mowry photo for cousin Barbara.

M E O W and >^..^<

Happy Thanksgiving to all who read this!

The doors at JC Penney's open at 4 am on Friday! Will you be there? We went early one year to Target when we were in the OC visiting my sister, and frankly, it wasn't worth it. If I visit a store, I'll go later in the day.

ADDED 10:45 am:

I looked all over for Ziggy and finally found him in the closet. Alex likes the right side of the closet, and Ziggy the left side. This means cat fur all over my closet!OC sees something more interesting than my camera! I think he's watching the new cat drinking fountain.

It's RAINING! Yes, it's wet and beautiful out there. Mother Nature is doing Will's watering for him! There is one part of the backyard against the house where rainwater does not reach, but that's okay!Closer up = it's WET!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


It's gray and overcast and it's going to rain. I hope it waits until later when I'm back from doing errands.

Our neighbor is building the shed in his yard. I still miss the bushes that were here before.
It was loud when he was pounding, but Mowry and Ziggy were out. Ziggy was keeping watch on Mowry from the bedroom. At least he's not under the bed.
I tried knitting a sock with thicker yarn and bigger needles. Diann tells me they don't last as long as those knit with thinner yarn and smaller needles, but I had this yarn and it is perfect for a particular sock I wanted to knit. It was such a FAST project - that's worth a few points.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday - more cat business and other things...

I've been knitting till my fingers hurt (it's okay, Mom, I do know when to stop!) because holiday time is nearing. I am also making some lavender sachets from the blooming lavender on my lavender bush. The office smells yummy!This bush is beautiful! I got out there before the bees because once the sun comes out, the bees love the lavender blooms, and they get testy when I clip. You can even see new blooms coming up if you look closely.
My neighbor gave me sage last year. It's happier in the ground then it was in a pot where I first planted it.
The artichoke plant was eaten by snails, but is coming back in full force.
The transplanted/relocated camelia plant is looking good. Behind it to the right are naked ladies (the plants with no leaves...they grow with leaves, but then the leaves fall off and you have a flower only) and freesias and daffodils and other bulb plants planted by the prior owner that come back each year.Closer up - the shorter leaves are the naked ladies, the longer leaves are the freesias and/or daffodils. Of course there are also clover weeds and leaves.
Inside, Mowry is on backyard duty.

Ziggy's been here!

I think there's some dominance stuff going on, but it looks innocent. Yes, that's Ziggy on the chair, and Mowry on the arm of the chair. Ziggy, or "Z" as I call him, is adjusting more and more each day!
This is my spot on the recliner/loveseat. I got up for a minute and Alex took over.

Soft and Cuddly.....
Not so soft and cuddly....
Yep, someone's growing a goatee! It's at that bum-looking stage, but this could be cool if he sticks with it.