MORE ADDED AT throughout blog at 3:15 PM
Yesterday I took the ACE train to Santa Clara to attend Stitches West. I was happy I could take the train and didn't have to drive.
I took a shuttle one stop to the Convention Center, but I walked back to the train station after. I don't usually buy much at Stitches, but it's really fun to look! Last year was my big score - I bought brown Cascade Eco yarn and made a sweater (that I wore yesterday), and a closeout bag of sock yarn. The two years before I bought yarn I didn't love, or even particularly like, so after that, I got picky.

And here's a picture of the dining area in our house!

Here's our TV room. Note the dark paneling. Everyone says we should paint it, but we don't mind it. Can you find two cats in this picture?

This year I met Diann and Holly at Stitches. It's fun to go with Diann because she knows a lot about yarn, and buys a lot of it. This year she bought beautiful shawl pins.
There is fabulously beautiful yarn at Stitches, but I can never figure out what I want to make, and I don't want to spend a lot of money on yarn if I don't have to. I've been buying the more expensive sock yarn with my credits from our Amazon credit card, but my favorite pair of socks so far are made with the cheaper Socks and Sole yarn from Joanne's, so go figure.
I bought an ironing board cover that Diann had purchased last year. It is supposed to make ironing easy. She's had it a year and still loves it, so that was my endorsement. The red bag was a giveaway that I used to carry my stuff.
I found Sockotta yarn - it's a cotton blend for socks, and I liked the colors, and it was on sale, so I was happy. Someone who reads this blog has requested socks from me (you know who you are!), so she may be getting a pair made from one of these skeins! The hard part was trying to decide which colors to buy. There were a few more, but I didn't want them all. I kept picking up a color, and putting it down. This is where I become extremely wishy-washy.
There was a woman at Stitches who looked like my Mom. I snapped her picture with my cell phone (without her knowing), but I had to email it to myself, and it didn't go on the first try, so now I'm waiting for it. If it sends, I will post it later or tomorrow. My parents once met a gal who they thought was my "spitting image" (what a visual that term provides) so they took a picture of her with them, and sent it to me. It looked nothing like me. This could be funny if I get this picture to my computer! I keep getting a message that says "Http failure" - maybe because I don't get cell service in the house, but I stood outside to try the email transfer.
Today we walked around the corner to an estate sale at a house like ours. It wasn't even the mirror image, it was the exact same house. Some things were updated, and some were not, but we could tell from the things and the house that the woman had good taste.
These are pictures that were posted for the estate sale on Craigslist. Since it was to advertise the "stuff", it's not a great indication of the house, but hopefully when the house goes up for sale, I can secure better pictures. I wanted to go back with my camera, but decided not to.
This is the "estate house" dining area. Notice the gaudy chandelier and the pink and white striped wallpaper. The formal dining set is very nice. I really like dark wood.

This is what we call our TV room in the "estate house". Again, it's displaying the stuff for sale. The door goes to the garage. I don't love our linoleum, but I like it better than this! And with three cats and a husband, it works well.

Here's our TV room. Note the dark paneling. Everyone says we should paint it, but we don't mind it. Can you find two cats in this picture?
The cats - one is at the top of the Crow's Nest and one is in front of the door to the garage.
This is the TV room window in our house. The "estate house" had the huge window replaced by t in a sliding glass door to the backyard, but that wouldn't work for us. It's funny, but the only way to our backyard is thru the garage or thru the sunroom.
Here is the "estate house" living room. Note the draps on the windows. We have only shades, and Will opens them first thing when he getse up in the morning.
This is the "estate house" dining area to the left, and the living room to the right. The wall with the China cabinet is where our low bookshelf is below.
Same area in our house. Yes, those are Mowry's whiskers to the far right.
Diann called to ask about the estate sale while we were walking back from a walk into town, so we went again, only this time I brought my camera. Here is the chandelier in the entryway of the "estate house". YUCK!

The inside. I love the tile floors. Someday I'd love to replace our patched carpet with tile.
This tile is in the entryway of the "estate house". I think it's tile. I know it's ugly. It goes into the hallway by the bedrooms. 

The "estate house" also had a sunroom that looked particularly nice. It had tile floors, which I would like to do some day, and a nice sliding door to the outside, but we were told it also had leaks by the windows, and the steps in and out of the sunroom were way too steep. From the outside:
I'm glad our burgundy tile that I never liked until I saw this is only in the entryway!
This is the master bathroom in the "estate house".
And here's our bathroom. I am not crazy about the pink, but I like it better and than the "estate house".
I took this when we were looking at the house when the former owner still lived here.

We even found a few things at the estate sale besides just looking at the house. Some original tupperware, a frame, two olive oil plates that Mow is checking out, some gift bags and wrapping tissue, a frame, and the two utensils at the bottom. Mow seems to get into many of my pictures!
When we went back to the estate sale, we found some more stuff. It's hard to tell, but the salad servers are yellow melmac!
The camelias look lovely in the new vase.
Ziggy loves to sit on my lap when I watch TV, especially basketball!
When we went back to the estate sale, we found some more stuff. It's hard to tell, but the salad servers are yellow melmac!