While walking back home, this kitty came up to greet us. Then a loud car went by and spooked the cat, who ran away. Smart kitty to know that some drivers are scary. Is this cat adorable?
Back at home, Mowry is always trying to sleep. He's a big mature three year old now, no longer a kitten. This is an old picture that may have been posted before, but it's all I had on my portable disk drive! He sure is cute. It's hard to tell from this picture, but his face looks like it has dark gray or brown coloring. He's no ordinary orange tabby, that's for sure!
Speaking of cats, I don't have pictures, but this morning I went out back and Ginger Snap, the white kitten from next door, was romping around. She came up to me, and then ran away. Tabby was also there, but while she's obvious, he's camoflauged and I almost didn't notice him. He runs away the minute he sees us. He's gotten big, but she's still quite a bit smaller than him.
My carrots are growing. I had to replant one 'stalk' (is that what they are called? Doubt it) and the next morning it was gone, but maybe it is still growing under the dirt. Maybe whatever ate it can't get into the pot or past the tomato stake, so these will be okay. The replanted carrots were in another area that was exposed for critters. Who knew?
My carrots are growing. I had to replant one 'stalk' (is that what they are called? Doubt it) and the next morning it was gone, but maybe it is still growing under the dirt. Maybe whatever ate it can't get into the pot or past the tomato stake, so these will be okay. The replanted carrots were in another area that was exposed for critters. Who knew?