I spent Tuesday, Wednesday and half of Thursday at a conference in San Francisco. Will met me Wednesday night and we stayed over. Some people think this is exciting, but it was more a necessity as I didn't want to BART home at 9:30 pm after a vendor dinner I was invited to. The dinner was at Fish and Farm, known for their famous #1 hamburger in SF according to some magazine, but I was disappointed. The salad was salty (who puts salt on salad) and the steak was too pink for my liking. They serve it medium, which apparently means pink. But it was good to meet with my client's client manager and meet other people, so that was good. I also didn't know they do road work all night long in SF.
For us, there's no place like home. We miss the kitties and other things about being home when we aren't, so that's why it's not a big treat to us to stay in a hotel in SF.
Alex thinks if he closes his eyes, he can hide from the paparazzi (that's me!).

Mowry is looking for prey. Look at his belly - it's bald.

Ziggy is sitting behind Will's desk. He hasn't done this in a long time!

There are many avocados on the tree this year, but I still find some on the ground eaten by squirrels, or raccoons, or who knows what.

Look at this cool trash can that we found at an estate sale for $1.50 (MINUS 20% off, but actually less because we bought a few things and the seller took off more than 20%). There were a few garage and estate sales today, much to my surprise! This goes perfectly with our avocado green stove in our 70s kitchen. Instead of using it for trash, we'll use it for recyclables. There is a little bit of rust on it, but the step-on lift mechanism works perfectly! There's even a plastic pail that you can lift out the take to the big trash can.

The pepper out back is turning red! I bought pepper seeds because pepper plants are usually the prettiest, but this one really isn't. Next to it is garlic. I'm not sure how you tell when garlic is ready to be picked. I threw a garlic bulb in the dirt and then ended up pulling it out, but apparently I didn't pull all of it out!

I trimmed off dead lavender flowers and now it's come back just in time for holiday season!

Here it is up close.

My carrots are growing! I'm glad I put the tomato cage around it when I planted the seeds because there was a hole in there that looked like some critter was trying to dig in.

Last night someone organized a fundraiser for the mother of a young girl of 20 who was killed when illegal street racers hit her car in SJ. A local pizza place where her mother works donated some of the proceeds and had raffles for prizes also donated. They were looking for musicians, so Will and two of his guitarist bandmates played for awhile, and then his guitar friend Eddy joined them. The pizza was good, and it was a fun time. It was nice to be able to support someone, but sad that it came about because of a senseless tragedy.
Time to make stir fry for dinner!