I took a few great pictures today, but somehow when I thought I was downloading them to my computer, I did something else and now they are lost.
We are running out of our favorite coffee, but since our closest Costco doesn't carry it, we have to find a Costco that does. I called the new Hayward Costco and was told they carry it, but the last time I called Santa Clara and was told they carried it, I found out when I got there that they didn't. They got an earful from me! We once bought about 8 bags when we were in Reno and stopped at Costco there! Gotta get it when we find it.

It's cloudy again, and was even drizzling outside while the sun was out. Today was supposed to be the one day without rain. The nice thing is that in winter when the trees are bare, we can easily see the Niles sign from our window.

The birds were happy to see sunshine this morning. While it did cloud over, the birds were still enjoying the dry weather.

It was pretty dark outside yesterday!

I love looking at the webcam in Durango, Colorado. Look at all this snow! They moved the webcam and now it shows the quaint town even better than before!

Look at the icicle on the camera.

Here's the webcam. No wonder there are sometimes icicles on the pictures!

Back at home Alex was hiding in the closet atop the plastic drawers getting my hanging clothes full of his fur!

This was yesterday when he was doing his "Sprawly Boy" thing atop the window perch.

Ziggy was sleeping on the bed, his new favorite spot.

Will took this for me on Thursday when I was away at a client's office. Look how close the 3 stooges are sleeping together. Ziggy on the left, Mow needs no identification, and that leaves Alex on the other cat bed on the right. Places eveyone!

On Friday I worked at home, but we took a break and went to an estate sale in Hayward where I found this lamp for $10. It came with a light red/burgundy lampshade that was way too big for it, but we did some moving around and put the burgundy lampshade on a lamp in the living room, and this is how it looks with a more appropriate lampshade.

Those are monkeys climbing up a palm tree. I needed more light so I could see when I go into my closet, and this is perfect.
I finally have a crystal ball! We had to replace the lost finial on the monkey lamp.

We're on a roll. We found this lamp at an estate sale today for $5. Will already has this, but it's smaller and not actually a lamp, but a votive candle holder. This one is a lamp. It's from the movie "A Christmas Story" and is fitting for the sunroom.

He also found this collection of 45 rpm records in the case all for $1.

Then we went to the Farmers' Market and met Ken and Diann at the Depot Diner.

I know we need the rain, but we don't need it all in a period of a week. More is expected tomorrow thru Tuesday.