Ziggy is happy on Will's lap this evening. They are watching Closing Ceremonies of The Olympics while I'm updating this blog.
I finished one of the baby socks in the pink, yellow and orange yarn, and I've started another. I learned a new term this week - fraternal socks. Like twins, there are fraternal and identical. While I don't have to have my sock stripes identical, this is ridiculous. The completed sock is mostly orange and yellow with a pink toe, and the other starts with several rows of pink. They don't even look related, or of the same yarn. I'll finish this one and then hopefully be able to make two mates, if not identical, to match.
Mowry can be sound asleep and completely uninterested in me or anything I'm doing until he hears me on my keyboard and then he's right there. It's also hard to see the screen with Mowry standing in front blocking it. I put him down on the floor and I can do a countdown .... 5, 4, 3, 2 , 1 - he's jumped back up. We go thru this several times before I finish and leave the room, which of course he then does, too. It's nice to be loved, but Mowry, this is annoying. If I close the door, he'll just scratch at the door to get in.
This week I will be finally leaving a client I resigned from about a month ago. I agreed to stay and help them until they found someone, and thru the transition, and they finally found a company to work with them. Good luck to whomever gets this assignment. Not all clients are created equal and it's just so hard to work for a company that does not
a) respect this position enough to understand what is needed to get this job done.
b) realize that one day a week onsite and checking email and doing transactions to the tune of approximately one hour a day the other days could possibly be enough for a publicly-traded company (and I didn't have more time to give them).
c) take my recommendation that they hire a full time employee to do the job because while they don't mind paying exorbitant amounts for a consultant, and to outside counsel to do things I could do, they can't get the headcount. How many consultants would give an honest recommendation that would ultimately end in them losing the gig? I can name a few who wouldn't, but I won't.
d) have a clue.
So I am looking forward to handing over this client, and then finding another. I have several clients who call me back when needed, and I'm busy enough thru March, but I hope to find a private company that needs me one day a week plus an hour here or there during the week. Sound familiar? The difference is, this WORKS for a private company, but NOT for a public company.