Friday night we took a walk and Will finally saw the two pelicans. I've seen them twice, but he wasn't with me either time.
I don't really need anything, but you know how that goes. I donated about 3 or 4 bags of things to the local silent film museum so they could resell it at their garage sale. My neighbor (who might just be smaller than me) was donating a bag of clothes, so I went thru them first and found a dress, a skirt and top, and a cotton Eddie Bauer dress with a matching jacket.
Saturday morning we left the house about 7:50 am. My friend Holly from SJ and Darlene and her daughter and granddaughter came with us. I found a lovely black cardigan for $2 (I have to replace mine every few years because I wear it so often), a t-shirt that was marked $2 and I asked the guy if he'd take $1 and he screamed for his wife, she didn't answer, so he said "I'LL take $1), a white step-on trash can just like our metal one that is looking bad, a Sue Grafton book for 25 cents, and a book about Washington/Oregon from Discovery Channel for our upcoming road trip for 50 cents, and a Melmac gravy boat for a friend who has a 50s kitchen for 50 cents. Friday's yarn is also in this picture.
On Sunday there were even more people around the town walking and having garage sales than there were on Saturday. There was music at the Niles Plaza, and this picture is of my favorite view from the Plaza looking at the town. Look at all the booths. Unfortunately, the Antique Faire has a lot of booths that are NOT antique, and when I mention it, people have all kinds of excuses - eBay has taken away dealers, the economy, etc., but I've been to the Pleasanton Antique Faire and there is no "foreign plastic crap" as I call it.

Our neighbors have an annual Fish Taco lunch that is always DELICIOUS!
After listening to music, we walked back home, passing a church that has "buck a bag" after 2:00 pm. Inside the church is a zoo during regular flea market hours, but outside I found 9 skeins of Crystal Palace Whisper yarn marked $10, so I got a bag, put the yarn in it, and proceeded inside. For some reason it didn't drive me straight out, and here is what I found to fit in my $1 bag:
I also found a few 25 cent items at a neighbor's g-sale.
I think garage sale season and summer are officially over. This coming weekend is Labor Day Weekend. Wow! Wasn't it just Memorial Day, the start of summer?