Last night Will played bongos with his musician friends (Eddie and Friends). While he prefers playing his drums, and has had to be convinced by me over and over that his tapping at the bongos DOES add to the music, he and I both enjoyed the evening. There are several musicians, depending on who shows up, and all are good. Eddie and Friends - Eddie writes original music, and plays a cover or two on guitar, harmonica and sings, 3 other guitarists who do the same, a violinist, a pianist who also sings, and Will on bongos. I hope I didn't miss anyone. They trade off and play together and it's always a night with good music at Mission Coffee in Fremont (
Mission Coffee is a fun atmosphere, although sometimes instead of being polite and using inside voices, people get louder when the music is on. I didn't think that was the case last night. It was really good, although apparently the proprietor of Mission Coffee was her usual grouchy self and had issues with the sound. She growled at me when I asked if something in the food display case was good, which I thought was a fair question since it's something new that they are carrying. "It wouldn't be here if it wasn't" was the response I got, in a tone that Ziggy would use when around small kids. Her response seemed a bit crabby, so I wasn't surprised to hear she wasn't happy with the sound and was crabby about that, too. It was too loud or something, but then someone else said the kitchen noise was too loud, so who knows, and who cares.
I enjoyed the 1/2 BLT and 1/2 Vegetable Pastie (the item I mistakenly asked about being good - figuring I'd open a little dialogue as in "yes, it's great" or "it's good but I prefer the Beef Pastie" didn't seem unreasonable, but there you go), 1/2 cookie (Will and I like to share), visiting with friends and acquaintances we've met over the years thru the music scene, and knitting. Today my neck hurts and I'm guessing it's from the position I'm in while knitting. Too bad I missed the ergonomics class last year at the Stitches West knitting convention, and they aren't offering it this year.
It was raining this morning, but it seems to be clearing up.
The little white cat who lives next door is moving. We are really going to miss her. I'm glad she won't be here because I believe it's only a matter of time before she'll be road kill since she runs across the street like cats do, but I will miss her coming to me for her treats (picture above). I don't believe in feeding other people's animals, but I feel like she's "family" and I give her two treats when she comes to visit. She just walked across the back fence a few minutes ago, reminding me that I will miss her when she's gone. She is a tiny little cat, which is a huge contrast from Alex and Ziggy, who this morning left us two presents - one in the living room by the fireplace, and one later in his little cat tent. BAD kitty. He's on Will's lap now, loving as ever.