I haven't updated this blog in awhile, so I thought it was time to post some pictures. Random, of course, many of felines.
I took this picture near Mission Coffee because I have some of these succulents, but I liked the way they are grouped. I wish snails would stay away from my plants. I won't use poison, but I won't hesitate to throw a snail across the driveway to its timely demise.

Awwww, Alex on the left (I can tell because he's bigger and his front paws are whiter) and Ziggy on the right (he was shaved, so he's got less fur!).

His fur is growing back and he looks gorgeous. I'd like to keep him a short-haired cat but I also don't want to have his shaved very often.

Ziggy tried reading this book too. It's pretty good, but not as good as the two Michael Connolly books I recently read.

Is that me? Nice card. I could have posed for that.

Sometimes Ziggy and Mowry will sit very close together.

One day while riding home on BART, I captured this picture from the train with the doors open at the Oakland Coliseum on a game day. Go A's!

This is one of my favorite houses in our neighborhood because of the old window and the roses being trained in the shape of a heart.