Monday, December 31, 2007

Goodbye, 2007, Welcome 2008

It's the last day of the year. Sometimes it seems like the year went by quickly, but then if I think about all of the things that occurred during the year, it was about 365 days! Ha!

We actualy went to Costco today. Getting there shortly after 10 am when it opened for business customers while some people are still at work worked for us. I forgot to get dried blueberries, but we got everything else we needed, and got out quickly.
I finished my second blue/green sock and guess what? It's larger than the first one. These have been the socks from hell. I probably used a slightly larger needle than I used on the first one, as I suspected might be the case from the beginning, but the stitches looked the same so I continued. This is what happens when you wait too long between sock #1 and sock #2 in a pair. Growwwwwwl (like Alex did at the Vet). No pictures. Too annoying.

Here are some other pictures, just for fun.
Fourth of July parade in Niles:

And always the editor, I found a typo in a parade sign. I think they meant "Your Health Matters".

Amtrak and the Niles Canyon Railway steam engine.

In 1956 when the 5 towns of Niles, Mission San Jose, Centerville, Irvington and Fremont formed the new city of Fremont, the Niles sign came down, and the Fremont sign went up.

Cinders and Mowry eating. We get along when there's wet food. Otherwise Cinders is afraid of Mowry and a cat fight often results.

Our office is a busy little place.

For some reason she likes to take pictures of the three of us together. Mowry (I'm 1.5), Cinders (I'm 15 or 17, we're not exactly sure), and Alex (I'm 7.5). We're trying to relax in the sunroom.

Happy and healthy new year to all of our readers.

Here's to a great 2008.

And now we can resume our regular lives and schedules. No more hustle bustle holiday shopping, entertaining, presents, decorating, expectations, blah blah blah.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sat., Dec. 29th - I have more readers!

I have more blog readers! That's what happens when you post the blog info in the holiday newsletter that gets sent to friends and relatives that I don't see all year long, which is what I did! Now I really have to post post post and be creative and all that stuff. Actually, this is fun. I love taking photographs of everything (aren't digital cameras great? I can delete whatever I don't want to keep, and take up valuable space on my computer's hard drive with those I do want to keep), and I like to write. Now if only I could get paid what I get paid when I work to do a blog, life would be more fun, but that's why they call it work.

Will tried on his hat for me! It's not the most flattering style (it's a wool cap, not a fashion statement), but it is warm, and he loves it! And it was much easier to make than a pair of socks or a sweater! I think it looks great on him!

So where would you rather be today? Here?

or here?

The top one is Lake Elizabeth at Central Park in Fremont. It's gray and will probably rain, but it's NOT snowing! It's 45 degrees right now in Fremont, which seems cold until I look at this picture of Eisenhower Tunnel in CO where it's 9 degrees. That's 23 degrees BELOW freezing. I've been in freezing. It is freezing. Below freezing is not necessary! It's just too cold!

Someone posted on Fremont Freecycle (is there one in your city?) tab drapes and they sounded like exactly what would work in our guest room, the one room we never painted or did anything with. The drapes left behind were pink, and while I like pink, I didn't like these. I took off the sheers before I realized the pink drapes didn't close all the way, and that is why there were sheers.


It's hard to believe I don't have a "before" picture of the pink drapes. The one above was cropped from a picture taken when we looked at the house with its prior owner and prior furniture. The white is the sheers.

And after:

Friday, December 28, 2007

The Last Friday in '07-Knitting, Cats and More "Who Knew"

It's the last Friday in 2007. Didn't it JUST seem like we were dealing with all that Y2K stuff? That was 7 years ago! Ouch! Times flies.

Mowry is hiding behind my monitor. I think he thinks that if he can't see me, I can't see him. I can see him, but I just can't see his cute little face.
Cinders doesn't care about hiding. She knows we won't bother her because she can be anattack cat. This is one of her favorite spots for sleeping. On the desk.

While Cinders has her vet file red tagged (like Elaine if you are a Seinfeld fan), it was Alex who is known as "Grumpy Alex" in our presence, and even "Cujo" last night when we had to take him to the vet because he apparently ate a flea, and if you don't know what that means, I will have to tell you - he has worms. YUCK. But I learned that that cannot be transmitted between cats, which makes me feel much better. The cat has to eat the flea. Who knew (becoming my favorite saying) that indoor only kitties could have fleas. Who knew that indoor only kitties could have fleas in a house with no carpet except a few throw rugs and one area rug? I wonder what the vet and staff call Alex when we aren't there?

We had never heard Alex growl before, but he was growling when he was in his carrier waiting for me to pay. Don't even ask about that. Mr. "Vet Cat" is becoming very expensive, and we hope 2008 is not like 2007 for vet visits, as is he, but I digress.

This is Mowry and Alex as they are eating. It's hard to see in this picture, but there is a size differential. Alex is VERY LARGE. He gained 1 lb and 11 oz since his bout with crytals a few short months ago. His special diet is fattening to make it paletable, so we have to feed him less. Or is it fewer? (Just kidding. Private joke with Will). Mowry loves Alex's food. What's not to love? Regular food or candy?

Will's hat is coming along. I need to decrease so he doesn't end up with some weird cat in the hat shaped hat.

I'm finally working on sock #2 of my 3rd pair of socks. It will look like sock #1 hopefully. Sock #1 looks huge, even in person, but it fits me well, so either looks are deceiving, or size doesn't count, or some other cliche.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day 2007

It's Christmas Day and the holiday is almost over. Maybe we could skip it next year? Just celebrate every other year? Actually, last night we had dinner here - Will's daughter and Ken and Diann came over. I made two lasagnas - one veggie, one not, and salad, appetizers (not in that order) and Diann and Ken brought dessert. We once invited someone over and she insisted on bringing dessert but then she showed up with an orchid, and no dessert. So we called the orchid "Donna's Dessert". Ken and Diann brought dessert AND a plant and champagne. The lovely pink cyclamin has been planted out front. It really adds color to our front landscape. Thank you Ken and Diann!

We had a very nice evening. I forgot to serve the garlic bread. I even made a list, but the garlic bread wasn't on the list.

Yesterday Will spotted two kitties enjoying a shared sunbeam. He was able to grab my camera and I took pictures before they ran away, as cats do. Alex on the left, and Mowry on the right, but between the lampshade and Alex is a reflection of Mowry.

Today we went to our former neighbor's for brunch and had a lovely time. She's invited us for the past several years and it's always nice to see her and her family and friends. It was a small gathering today - very mellow and nice.

This evening we're going to friends I've known since college. This meal will be much more formal with a special table set, a theme, etc. This year the theme is Asian, so I was asked to bring Asian vegetables. I wasn't sure what I was going to make, but I made up a green bean recipe ala Asian - I steamed fresh green beans, sauteed them in sesame oil, added soy sauce, also sauteed onions and water chestnuts, put it all in a casserole dish, added toasted sesame seeds (that burned on my first try as it doesn't take much to toast sesame seeds as I found out) and then I'll either microwave them or bake them a little. Last year I brought my knitting and I don't know if she was too happy, except her daughter was also knitting, so that was a free ticket for me. I'm bringing my knitting today, too. I brought my knitting this afternoon, but I didn't end up knitting.

I heard that Beverly's in San Jose is closing and yarn is 50% off, and more as time goes on. I used to be near there when will had band and I'd drop him off and sometimes stop there, but he's not there now, and I never get down there, although I'm told it might be worth the trip. We'll see.

My niece and her new husband are having a white Christmas in Castle Rock, Colorado. The picture above is from the webcam where it was 4:45 pm and 19 degrees. That's FARENHEIT!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Day 2007

Just another day to go before this Christmas husble bustle madness is over. Bah Humbug. We actually went to the Fremont Hub ( to Michael's (which was actually not bad since most people were shopping for last minute gifts, not things to make or decorate), but Safeway was a zoo. We were glad to get out of there.

The worst part was the parking lot, but if you didn't try to park right in front of the store, and you didn't mind maneuvering around big vehicles that think "compact" parking space means them (I know, you take any spot you can find, but at least TRY to park straight, unlike the Tahoe next to us who didn't) it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

The bad part is that I have to go back today! I need to return something at Marshall's and maybe go to Michael's again to check out knitting needles - I'm making a hat for Will but I don't have circular needles in the right length, so I'm using double pointed needles, so I have to be very careful to not drop stitches off the needles (which I've already done a few times). I started doing something fancy with a two stitch, two row seed stitch (is there another name for that stitch?), but I decided to do the usual rib. He picked out the navy blue wool.
Last night we watched basketball on TV and this heater kept us warm. No point in heating the whole house if we're just in one room.

Alex is in his favorite spot - on the blanket on top of Will's lap. That's Will's beer, not Alex's. He's pretending I'm not taking his picture.
When the printer isn't being used as a printer (which it is as you can see by the papers) it also doubles as Mowry's perch. What you can't see is that to the left of the printer is Cinders, and shortly after this was taken, Mowry got off the printer, went over to where Cinders was, and scared her off. We almost had a cat fight.

This is Durango, Colorado in the snow from the webcam at taken on Friday, December 21st. It's an adorable town that we really liked, but it didn't look like this when we were there. My cousins live outside of town in a beautiful rural area, but I'm guessing it snows there even more than it snows in town. Below is a picture of Niles Blvd., where we live, without snow because it doesn't snow here, except...

it did snow in the hills behind us in March of 2006.

Merry Christmas, or whatever you celebrate. Here's to a great 2008! Yes, it rhymes, but don't worry, I won't go all poet on you!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Who knew? Thurs., Dec. 20th, 2007

It sure looks cold and snowy at the Eisenhower Tunnel in Colorado. The Eisenhower/Johnson Memorial Tunnels are located approximately sixty miles west of Denver, Colorado on Interstate 70. It is a beautiful spot, as we saw on our vacation last year, but it is yet another reminder that we are happy to be in California where it is not snowing. In fact, it is chilly in Fremont, CA today, but with a clear blue sky.

I'm working at home again today. I am writing up a proposal for a prospective client, something I haven't had to do in the 8+ years I've been doing this on my own. I may have a little work for a client, I raked wet leaves, watered spots out back with gathered rainwater because there are spots along the side of the house that don't seem to get rained on. While working on my computer, mostly sending IM (instant messages) to people I know, and checking email, I heard a LOUD truck. It is trash pickup day, but this wasn't what I was hearing. Lo and behold, this is what I was hearing:

Who knew? The truck was a private tree trimming company, but apparently the tree on the strip between the sidewalk and the street belongs to the city and they had it trimmed. Below is a funky picture I took from inside - you can see my camera reflecting in the window, so I thought it was interesting photo art. Or not. I had been thinking about how I was going to trim this tree, given that we have several in the backyard that also need trimming, but now it's taken care of.

I scored an older used laptop for my father! He was using a MailStation machine, which ONLY gets email. It's a small keyboard and smaller screen, as you can see in the picture below. (I got this picture from someone selling on ebay - one person is trying to sell this for $199, but most are selling for MUCH less).I got it thinking my mother would use it, but she doesn't. I was getting one or two messages day from my dad, and he really liked it. Then they upgraded their phone service and suddenly access to the MailStation was gone. To me it seems like it would be the same dial up connection as with a computer, but apparently not. Who knew? Earthlink barely remembers they once sold and supported MailStation, and Verizon, well, they are the people who are known for cell phone service, so don't get me started.

I posted to two local email groups to see if anyone had upgraded their laptop and had one they didn't need. I'd be willing to pay for it, but not buy a new one that has things on it he wouldn't need, or use. He needs an operating system, and modem to access the internet/email. Wouldn't you know it? Who responded, but a friend of ours who happens to be on the list, and who happens to have almost whatever it is you are looking for. Who knew? I also found very inexpensive online access, so we will decide if dial up (as he had before, and knows how to work) or DSL would be appropriate, and hopefully he'll be able to use this! Thank you, Ken. Once my dad is shown how to access the internet, I think he will enjoy it beyond just sending and receiving email, or as he calls it, an "E", as in "I sent you an E".

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tuesday, December 18th

Another shot from the webcam at Georgetown. We loved that little town in Colorado, but we're glad we live in California! I've never noticed traffic when looking at the webcam, so I had to go to a Colorado traffic report. It's amazing what you can find out on the internet.

I-70 Georgetown
Existing Conditions: (dry)

Restrictions in Place: Expect periodic 20 minute delays, Tue-Thu, 10:30 am to 5 pm, rock scaling.
I wonder what rock scaling is? I'm an L.A. woman - I don't think we do "rock scaling" in L.A.
It's raining where we live today, and I just happened to schedule a work at home day. Timing is everything, but we have some errands to run - the library that is only open on Tuesdays, the PO Box, and then the dentist. The house is cold, but instead of turning on the heat, we just all hang out in the office where the computers keep it warm as long as the door isn't wide open. There are even 3 cats in here, but the mail delivery person just rang the bell and they scattered.

And because Alex is King and wants to be different than the others (I can relate) he is behind the monitor on the DVD player, and couldn't be captured in the same picture.Do you know how hard it is to capture all 3 cats in one picture? Our friends have 12 cats (yes, it's a lot of cats, but when you find cats wandering down the street, and you love cats, you end up with 12), and I don't know if they've ever had them all in the same room, let alone attempted a family picture. This picture of our three cats was not taken today. Mowry (orange) looking out the window, Alex (big black and white) on some piece of electrical equiment, and Cinders (smaller black) all curled up on the cat bed trying to pretend there aren't other cats in the room, and that people aren't trying to take her picture. She's 17, so do you think she'd know by now that WE ARE THE DOMINATE SPECIES? Opposable thumbs and all that.

And because we're the humans and they are cats, we can do things to them that are funny to us, but possibly undignified to them. This picture is of Alex in his box. He's probably doing his last minute excavating.

I bought this yarn at a garage sale from an older lady who had intended on a project (I never asked what) but didn't do it. There are several skeins of very old Bernat Glenspun English Tweed 100% virgin wool worsted. It says "Permanently moth proofed" on the label. I don't think I've seen that on any modern yarn. I tried finding it online, but it's not there.
It's very thin, and each skein is 185 yards. I doubled it and made this scarf. It used two skeins (only because it was doubled). I probably could have made something like a vest, but after the vest I'm attempting now, I thought I'd rather do a scarf. I haven't decided if I'm keeping it or giving it as a present, but I have enough yarn to make another should I decide to keep it.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thursday, December 13th

It's chilly, but beautiful out there today. How cold was it? While on the BART platform I could see my breath, and earlier I noticed that our trash cans had frost on them! I kid you not! But I couldn't see my breath walking in SF, so maybe it had warmed up a little by then.
BART was gross this morning.

I may buy a bunch of those small tissue packs and sell them on BART since no one seems to carry tissues. Would they even know what to do with a tissue if they had one? Sniffing, snorting, coughing (hopefully with enough sense to cover their mouths, but I doubt it), etc. If I mark up the cost of the tissues, I can even make a profit with a side business.

(The picture of the clock is here because this blog saved with the spacing weird unless I inserted a picture. The words were all mushed together without paragraphs!)

I just saw something on TV that they are teaching children to cough into their arms instead of their hands in the hope of keeping the spread of germs to a minimum. I try to wash my hands often, and while I'm not a germaphobe, just someone who doesn't want the germs and yuck of others, with these clueless, disgusting people all around me, there's not much I can do. I know people sneeze and need to blow their noses and get colds and such, but at least they can be considerate of those around them and USE A TISSUE. Of course those people don't read my blog, nor would I want them to!
I go from Union City to Embarcardero. Luckily I had a seat by the window today so I could read and try to ignore the people around me. It really is better than driving, but some days, I have to ask the question. I had clever thoughts about what I wanted to write today, but now that I'm writing, I can barely remember what I had wanted to say. I can be clever once, and today it was in my head. Sometimes when I type something clever and then it doesn't get saved, or I can't find where I saved it - same thing. It's hard to be clever twice.

And because a blog with pictures is more interesting than one without, here is a thought for the day in a picture:

Most days I think my cats are smarter than some of the people I encounter in a day. And even when they aren't, I like them better than most people I encounter in a day. That doesn't include the people I choose to encounter, just those I happen to to encounter.