Sunday, May 31, 2009

The weekend

We had a lovely day on Saturday. Kathryn came over and we went to lunch at our local cafe, and then she and Will ran an errand while I walked around town and then walked home. We had a nice visit, except when Ziggy growled and hissed at her, but he doesn't know her and she was annoying him (her words). We made dinner and were able to spend a lot of time enjoying the sunroom.

A few days ago when I left my pajama bottoms on the bed, both Alex and Mowry cuddled with them. You'd think by looking at this picture that they love me.
Does this look at all comfortable? The positions cats get into! He was sleeping until I snuck up to take his picture. He opened his eyes, but didn't move!
Is nothing sacred? It's bath time for Ziggy. I can't believe I captured his tongue. It can be so hard getting details in pictures of cats.
Did I mention that we're going to Antiques Roadshow in August? Will signed up online after seeing something on TV advertising that they will be local, and was picked in a random drawing to get two tickets. Wouldn't it be great if we have that item that we thought was not worth anything and they tell us it's worth a lot? We have one item we're bringing for sure that we've had for awhile. We looked it up on the internet yesterday with Kathryn's help (she spotted a signature that neither of us ever noticed) and it may be worth something, but we'll wait for the experts at AR to tell us! The less we tell them, the more they will tell us. Hint: Typically, it's something I hated that was resigned to the sunroom that is now inside the house in a place safe from cats! We'll keep you posted.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Things on Saturday

Beard update: It's a REAL beard and it has been for a long time!
Mowry LOVES to get a tummy rub/tickle. Not so much from me, but definitely from Will.The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson! We learned that we're always waiting for people. People can't seem to be places at the time they say they will be.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Mostly Cats

Ziggy waits for us in the bathroom where his job is to be towel person in his 'built-in' tuxedo. Today he was caught napping on the job. He sleeps splayed on his back. The floor mat is still wet from our shower, but he doesn't care.
Alex is splayed on the top level of the Crow's Nest. You can see the fur on the bottom his paws. That's one of the characteristics of the Maine Coon breed, of which he is at least part, and a huge (pun intended) part at that. Size is also a characteristic of the breed.
Looking up from the recliner I got this view of Alex. What possessed him to jump up there is in question. He's so big and the space is not.Mowry could sleep in one of 3 cat beds on our bed, but he chose my pajama bottoms instead. I've never seen the webcam at Wrigley Field where I could see into the stadium. Sadly the Cubs just lost to the Dodgers. Did I just 'say' that?This is the hammock stand in its case. Maybe we'll open it today or over the weekend and set up the hammock. The case is worth the price of admission.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Hayward Fault and Other Things

We live very near the Hayward Fault. We're in good company - the stadium at Cal Berkeley is right ON the fault, as was the former site of the Fremont City Hall. Yesterday our doorbell rang and two geologist-types from USGS (United States Geological Survey were there. Apparently we are on the USGS's radar. Comfortable or uncomfortable?

They want to bury a device in our backyard for two weeks that will detect seismic movement that can't be felt by humans. That will be blog fodder for certain. Pictures to follow. Here they are looking at our house and discussing who knows what after they left yesterday.
There has to be at least one token cat picture in every post, or almost every post. I'm still loving those new curtains and rod that I got from a neighbor who was giving them away.
Speaking of recycling, I am the recycle queen, and I am proud of it. We had this in our garden shed for as long as we've lived here (2.5 years). Two days ago I posted it to our local Yahoo group and had one person interested, but he changed his mind. Then another thought it would be good to have her twins paint and put books on, but instead she told me it works great as a shoe rack for them. Hmmm, I didn't think of that. I'm just happy someone can put it to use! The ultimate in recycling.

Two days ago someone posted a free hammock stand to Fremont Freecycle. It's not something I'd buy, but I have an unused hammock and this would be perfect. I was the second responder, but the first responder was a no-show, so the hammock stand got recycled to us! It is light and it folds up, and it comes in a canvas carry bag. No picture yet.

My 92 year old neighbor recycles. If she can do it, anyone can do it.

That reminds me of our lazy neighbor in the townhouse complex who was much younger than 92. Well, we had several lazy neighbors, but one was nearby, so we couldn't miss her laziness. She was a lovely gal in her 40s, but it was all she could do to get her trash to the bins. She would often put several big bags of trash in her trunk and drive them to the trash bin, which of course wasn't that far. One night she had a party and left her leftovers on tables out in her backyard. I'm sure Cinders had a great time that night. Good thing she doesn't live where we live now - it wouldn't only be a cat who feasted on her garbage but squirrels, raccoons, and possibly even skunks.

I'm finishing the blue sock. The colored yarn is leftover from yarn bought at Stitches West 2008, and the blue yarn was purchased at my LYS. I need to perfect grafting of the toe. I followed instructions from a "Knitty Gritty" show, but I need to watch it again and do it over. This didn't come out right. I even use leftover yarn!

In the backyard the orange tree is coming back to life after being pruned last fall. It was a mess when we moved here.
There's even a potential orange growing! I hope it becomes an orange.The bee shortage must be over, at least in our neighborhood. Yesterday I counted at least 15 bees on this lavender bush at one time, and still it was near impossible to photograph just one! They are like cats dodging the cameras.
Also in our backyard is Dani, who loves hanging out in our yard. Have I mentioned that our neighbor thinks Dani is pregnant? I am wondering if she will deliver her kittens in our yard. She lives with a dog and 3 other cats, so we are safe with no outdoor cats, just 3 indoor cats who look at her from inside behind glass windows. Dani is a beauty. Will says no matter how cute her kittens are, the answer is no! I didn't even ask.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Random Thoughts and Pictures on Wednesday

Yesterday was "Advantage Day" at our house. The cats are each given a squirt of Advantage on the back of their neck to keep fleas away. The squirt is positioned on the one place they can't reach. I used "Program" on my old cat, Murphy. It was a pill, and I hate putting toxins of any sort into my pets. I'm convinced it accelerated her poor health, although I won't ever really know, but I'm glad to have an external treatment.

The cats don't like Advantage, so no cats were in sight when the Advantage packets came out. While they are smart, we are the dominent species with opposable thumbs, and all that, so in time, each was captured and dosed. It takes about 3 seconds each once the cat is isolated.The fur sticking out at the back of Mowry's neck is not some new gel fashion, it's where the Advantage was applied. He has magnificent fur. He was actually watching and 'talking' to a bird that was outside.
Alex got as far away as he could, but this was after the Advantage was applied. Remember, opposable thumbs?!A visitor from next door comes to check out things at our house. Dani is watching Mowry, and Mowry is watching Dani. We took a walk last night and saw Dani on the block behind our house. It's just a fence jump away, but seems far. Mowry really wanted to go outside, but this is the closest these two will ever get.The pineapple guava tree has many blossoms. I'm glad I found someone last season who loves them so I can pick some and notify her to come and pick them up. What's that growing in the pinealpple guava tree? Could it be lemons? Yes, from the lemon tree next door!Evolution of my Cilantro plant:
May 18th - barely popping out.
May 25th - looking like cilantro.May 27th - the leaf that looks like cilantro has grown longer already. Very interesting to watch!

A week ago Sunday it was HOT (94 degrees). Last Sunday it was chilly (in the high 50s and windy). Yesterday it was about 78 (closer to ideal, but not close enough). It's 9:45 am and it's already 64 degrees and what is surprising is that it's the same temperature in Los Angeles, where it's usually 10 degrees hotter than here.

I found my new career: broker. Not a stock broker, but a broker who finds things people need. Not just people, but friends. My friends' lawnmower broke, so I posted on our neighborhood Yahoo Group asking if anyone had a working gas lawnmower to sell. Someone answered almost immediately, and they got it for $40. It was the poster's mother's and she's now in assisted living and it's been in the garage for a year and is in perfect condition.

Another friend is looking for outdoor plastic stuff for her two year old (slide, sandbox). I found two postings on Craigslist free, but she got to both too late. These things go FAST. For a fee I can actually respond to the ads instead of just forwarding the ads to the friends. Hmmm, if only I could make this into a career that pays as well as my current consulting position....back to work! It doesn't! It's just a service for friends.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Random Monday...oops it's Tuesday!

Maybe it's the paint fumes from painting the entryway and hallway yesterday, or maybe it's the fact that yesterday was a Monday holiday and it makes the rest of the week confusing, but it seems like Monday, but it's Tuesday.

The cilantro I planted is starting to look like cilantro. The first layer of leaves was indeciferable, but the second layer looks like a cilantro leaf! Very cool.

I planted some seeds in a pot in the backyard and I thought it might have been marigolds, but it looks just like this, so I guess I now have two pots of cilantro!

I tried to give away this CD case on our local Yahoo Group. One guy inquired and then said no. He wanted to use it as a paperback bookshelf, so I took a picture with paperbacks. I got another bite today, so we'll see. I don't have as much luck giving away free stuff as I do getting free stuff. I try to give away stuff!
I gave up using the tiny circular needles for my sock and went back to double pointed needles. I had to rip out and restart the heel flap (accidentally and appropriately typed "hell flap" the first time) several times. I'm going to repeat and use the self-patterning yarn that at the toe.
I trimmed the lavender plant a bit a week or two ago, but as you can see, it's growing like a weed. This would be a good weed.

I'm getting tired of Microsoft's Internet Explorer, so I'm going to try Firefox. It's a good thing my blog saves a draft automatically because it got hung up with a window I didn't intend to be opened. It's not worth explaining, but I've heard good things about Firefox, so we'll see.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day a Good Day to Paint

Yes, that's Ziggy looking out the window and Mowry looking at Ziggy. They did a nose kiss right before this, so it's all good.
Someone posted several gallons of light beige paint on our local Yahoo group, so how could we resist? OK, rephrase, how could I resist? I took one gallon, and it's perfect for the entryway and hallway which really need painting due to scuff marks on the walls from carrying furniture in and out. The hallway scuff was from moving. Here's the before and after colors.
Before - it was an offwhite that was bright, but needed painting. It's hard to see the actual colors, but the doorjam is pretty accurate of "before". The light beige is definitely darker, but richer.

During - You can see the top half of the entryway beyond the bathroom door partly painted. The hallway is definitely before.It's hard to tell the color, but I like the contrast between the door jams and the wall. The color is actually darker than it looks here.
During- Note that the doorjams and walls are the same color.After - The doorjams are lighter than the walls.
It's a little lighter than what we had painted in the dining room, living room, one long wall of the hallway, and one wall of the TV room right before we moved in. The colors looked very close to me, so I tried to patch the chipped spots in the TV room. That's when I could tell the colors are very different. Next weekend we'll fix that one wall. This wall is actually a few shades darker than the ones we painted today. It's easier to tell the true color when you look at the back wall by the window. It looks much lighter by the flowers. See how I could think it was lighter than it actually is?

It's Memorial Day and we remember those who gave their lives to protect our country by serving in the military.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sunroom and Mowry pics

Friday night we went to our friends' house for a dinner gathering for abalone (that he caught diving last week, and shrimp, salad (made by me), fried rice and green beans from a Chinese restaurant, tabouli and bread after about a zillion appetizers. We left right after dinner to go to the coffee house where Will played a set on bongos with friends, and then we went back to the dinner party and had dessert and played dominoes until 11:30 pm.

This morning we went to several garage sales. I found two circular knitting needles, two sets of double pointed knitting needles, and a frame at a garage sale at a friend of a friend's house. She had several pairs of straight knitting needles, but I feel and I am completely clumsy when I use them, so I didn't buy those. The total cost of the knitting needles and frame was $1.

This afternoon our neighbor posted a rug for giveaway on our local Yahoo email group. We started out on a walk and on the way we checked out the rug. It's PERFECT for our sunroom. Right now in our sunroom we have the patched beige double pile carpet that was originally throughout the house, and a beige area rug that was over the linoleum in the TV room when we bought the house.
Some day when I'm rich and famous I'd love to tile the sunroom floor, but for now this rug is really good. It hides some of the patchwork. Will did a great job patching the double pile carpet, but this is better. I don't really like the tablecloth with the carpet, but that's not a problem.

We never did get in the walk! Maybe in a little while we will try again.

Mowry was on the bar stool. Just before I snapped this, he was wending his way toward the counter. Bad kitty.I actually placed the furry white toy under his paw, but is he cute, or what?

Thursday, May 21, 2009


1. There are a lot of dirty noses and butts around. There seems to be a lot of common sense lacking in most people.

2. No matter how busy we are, we make time in our lives for things that are important to us.

3. It's not you, it's me. (OK, I didn't come up with that one).

Will and I were out back doing things, and when I walked back in, Alex was sitting on the kitchen table as though he belonged there. He got yelled at and was afraid of me for several minutes. How could I tell, when he always seems like he's afraid of me all the time? Good question.

I went back outside, and when I came in just a few minutes later, Mowry was on the kitchen table. He doesn't look like he could possibly get in trouble, does he? Is this a cute pose, or what?
These are avocadoes, not from our tree. We went to a neighbor's house a block away and introduced ourselves ... long story, they posted on our neighborhood Yahoo Group for a missing cat, the cat looked like Dave so our hearts went out to them, someone posted that they found a gray and white cat hanging out by their house, so we went to the missing cat's house to be sure they saw the post. They have a huge avocado tree (so do we) only theirs produces MANY avocadoes, and he offered me a bag and said to take some. More like, PLEASE, take some, I can't possibly eat this many avocadoes. There are 3 more ripening in a brown paper bag. The lavender in this picture IS from my prolific lavender bush!

I'm not loving these mini circular needles. When I saw Diann knitting socks using little size 1 circulars, I thought it looked tres' cool. They have been very hard to find (read: esate sales) until recently. I found someone selling them on eBay, so I bought this pair, and I don't know if my fingers are too big, my trigger finger doesn't work well with tiny circulars, or because I knit using the Continental method, but it's not my favorite way to knit socks. I'm bound and determined to finish this pair (at least this one sock) using this tiny circular, and I'm glad I tried it, but I think I'll stick with size 1 double pointed needles in the future. I also bought some size 1 large circulars to try knitting on two circulars at one time. I may try that next before going back to the double pointed.
I'm using solid denim yarn from my LYS and leftover patterned yarn from Stitches 2008. Since I wear jeans most of the time, these will be well worn, or worn often, or often worn.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Can't get enough cat pictures

But first, some nature pics:

The plant out front is coming back. When I first planted it it didn't look great, and it went downhill from there, but now it's looking good. We saw these lovely yellow roses on our walk yesterday. I like the little pink roses on the right, too.
The cats are sleeping on the cat beds on our bed. Do you love the expression on Mow's sleeping face? And the position of his front right paw?
Can the position that Alex sleeps in be at all comfortable? That's my sprawly boy!Tails overlapping. The size differential is evident in this picture, even more than the others because of placement!Uh oh, this can't be good. Note the empty cat post! We liked the photos leaning on the bookcase against the wall, but we had to hang them because the cats think it's okay to jump up here. Only once did we find the pictures on the floor, but I don't want them broken. They are hung on existing hooks, so not placed where they should be for now.