Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer is here!

Summer arrived yesterday at 4:28 am, and oddly enough it was warmer yesterday.

I'm taking BART all week to clients. That's the good news (I don't have to drive) and the bad news (being around weirdos who didn't pay attention when we were told how to sneeze into our arms to avoid swine flu, amongst other things). But I can read the newspaper and then my novel or knit or whatever and not pay attention to drivers, many of whom are scary and unsafe.

I need to figure out what I have to do to be able to add pictures. This just isn't that interesting without the pictures.

For now I need to find out why my orange tabby is trying to get behind my desk.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I ran out of space to post pictures, so I've posted some pics on Facebook, but you can only see them if you're my friend. Make that "friend". I was going to pay for extra space, but I couldn't figure out how, didn't have my credit card with me at the computer and just got bored with the whole idea.

1. It's finally summer, sort of. One day warm, one day chilly. Today it's not cold, but it's windy.

2. My zucchini and straight-necked squash are growing, but I can't post pictures. There are even two squashes, one on each plant, started to grow. My first zucchini.

3. I once thought I might want to grow pumpkins, and in fact tried in my tiny townhouse backyard, but they didn't grow and now I have no interest. I want only things I'll eat and that grow multiple items.

4. A cat just jumped on my desk as I'm tying. Guess who that was? Hint - he's orange.

5. Saturday we're going up to the Niles sign to weed. Luckily we can drive much of the way, and I'm told a 92 year old lady did it a few years ago with no problem. We'll see on Saturday.

6. Someone who I don't even know (a "friend" of a "friend") was arguing with me on Facebook (ain't FB great for those who think they know it all) when I said I thought it was wrong for parents of a 16 year old girl to allow her and/or encourage her to sail around the world alone. Now she's missing. One person posted this:

"Yes, I would encourage my child toward an adventure like this provided that they are mature enough to fully understand ALL the hazards, are well trained and are outfitted with the absolute best equipment available. Ms. Sunderland seemed to meet all of these criteria.

A little over a century ago, the idea of a 16 year old on a ship was not only ... See Morenormal but they would have been in training to be officers. Mids (midshipmen) were as young as 9 years and if you go back into the Admiralty records, you'll find several Lieutenants in their mid-teens who commanded His Majesties Frigates in major battles.

Does this have the makings of a tragedy? Yes. Is it the parents fault or the young woman's? No. Sometimes, bad stuff just happens and all the training, experience and luck in the universe just isn't enough. I do fervently hope that find her alive and well and with the skills of both the French and Australian Coast Guards, I believe she has a good chance."

There are so many things I wanted to post back, such as "I'm glad I'm not your daughter", or "I'm glad my parents taught me I didn't have to be a daredevil to enjoy life", or "while she may see the ocean, and more ocean and then more ocean, and maybe become famous, I get to live longer" but why argue with someone who is so sure he's right?

SOME OF THE POSTS ON FACEBOOK ARE SO DUMB. People need to remember they have put themselves out there with their names! We know who the dumb jerks are.