Friday, October 30, 2009

Fences and things

Today's post is about fences. We went for a walk last evening before it got dark (more on that later) and I had my camera with me. I started noticing all the different fences. Here's the fence in our backyard. Nothing special, being held up in places by metal things.
Here is the fence out front at the house down the block that we bid on, but didn't get. Have I mentioned lately how happy we are that we didn't get this house, but got the one we are now living in? It is so much more suitable for us. But I digress. This is about the fence.
Many of the older houses in the neighborhood have white picket fences.This house took down the fence, but left the posts. The roses are gorgeous. OK, the house didn't take down the fence, but the people in the house took down the fence.This house is a little too blue for my liking, although in this picture it looks good. Notice the old blue truck. This white picket fence has heart shaped holes. Very cute.This house has a hedge for part of its 'fence' and then yet another iteration of a white picket fence.This fence is metal. Note the metal cat sculptures. Note the huge house in the back. It looks lovely!This fence looks like it could be original from 1955 when the house was built. I was told by one neighbor that it was, and she would know since her mother was an original owner and she lived there from the time she was about 11.The cement fence isn't very attractive, but the attempt at a design makes it better. This fence is old. Will says his grandparents had a fence like this, and that it probably dates back to the 1930s. That would fit with the timing of the house. I love it, but then I'm a retro, nostalgic kind of gal.
While walking back home, this kitty came up to greet us. Then a loud car went by and spooked the cat, who ran away. Smart kitty to know that some drivers are scary. Is this cat adorable?
Back at home, Mowry is always trying to sleep. He's a big mature three year old now, no longer a kitten. This is an old picture that may have been posted before, but it's all I had on my portable disk drive! He sure is cute. It's hard to tell from this picture, but his face looks like it has dark gray or brown coloring. He's no ordinary orange tabby, that's for sure! Speaking of cats, I don't have pictures, but this morning I went out back and Ginger Snap, the white kitten from next door, was romping around. She came up to me, and then ran away. Tabby was also there, but while she's obvious, he's camoflauged and I almost didn't notice him. He runs away the minute he sees us. He's gotten big, but she's still quite a bit smaller than him.

My carrots are growing. I had to replant one 'stalk' (is that what they are called? Doubt it) and the next morning it was gone, but maybe it is still growing under the dirt. Maybe whatever ate it can't get into the pot or past the tomato stake, so these will be okay. The replanted carrots were in another area that was exposed for critters. Who knew?
What a beautiful sunrise! It was still dark at 6:45 am, but that will change. It will be lighter in the mornings, but darker EARLIER once we set our clocks back one hour late Saturday night. Fall back, spring forward.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gross, Funny and Interesting

Gross - what is this big bug on our office window screen? Luckily it is on the outside, and a quick opening of the window and a flick on the screen by Will sent it off back to nature.Funny: We missed watching The Late Late Show last week because not only were they repeats, but RECENT repeats. This was a funny look on Craig Ferguson's face when I paused the recorded show. NO, we don't watch it at 12:37 am. We record it and watch it whenever we want to watch it! It cracks me up when I ask people if they watch it, and they respond by telling me it's on too late for them. I've NEVER seen it at its scheduled programming time of 12:37 am to 1:37 am.

Gross: The recent rains gave us some creepy looking mushrooms under our orange tree. This is kind of a cool picture, though. It looks like it's an illustration from a children's book or something.

Funny and Interesting: Awwww, isn't he cute?

Interesting: My carrots are growing. It's amazing every time I grow something from seed and it actually grows!

Interesting: Is it really supposed to still be this dark at 7:00 am? What a beautiful sunrise we had yesterday!

Could be Gross, rarely interesting or funny: Luckily it wasn't dark when I got onto the Dumbarton Express yesterday. There are far more people when I go at 8:40 am than when I drag myself to move faster and go on the 8:10 am bus. That's an incentive to get moving earlier.

The interior of the Dumbarton Express, although we get different buses every time. It's a little close quarters for my liking, but it beats driving.Gross: Today there was a guy on the Dumbarton Express who coughed and had his handkerchief several inches from his mouth. Yeah, that works well. Sunday we were walking down Niles Boulevard and some guy coughed without an attempt to cover his mouth. I did say out loud "why can't people cover their mouths when they cough?"

WHAT IS WRONG with people? I know the answer, of course, and I'm not surprised. They are so worried about GETTING H1N1 Flu, but they don't seem to be the least bit concerned about giving it or anything else to others. Don't they get it - if they use common sense and good hygiene habits, by not spreading germs, they may remain healthy? It CAN be about them.
People need to:

1. Wash their hands often
2. COVER their mouths when they cough or sneeze. We all know that using the elbow area to do this rather than the hand that they will later touch things with works better.
3. STAY HOME when they are sick.

It's all common courtesy and common sense. If everyone does this, there will be less illness going around. D'uh. Of course there will be some colds and flu, but honestly folks, getting a shot and being an idiot will only protect YOU and YOU are not the most important person in MY life! If I had your self-centered attitude, you wouldn't like it, so .... let's all respect each other.

Funny: I think cats have more common sense than most humans I encounter. Well, maybe not this one! Poor Alex - not too smart, but he sure is cute, and he probably does have more common sense than a lot of stupid humans. My closet is full of fur, but if I close the closet door, he'll probably just paw it to get in.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood... said Mr. Rogers!

We took a walk into town on this beautiful day! The weather is fabulous at 72 degrees, according to my weather program, so of course that being my most favorite temperature, I'm happy!

The new fire station is coming along!
Look at it when the construction first started!
I thought this picture of the new fire station next to the old building next door to it was interesting!
Niles Blvd. was hopping today!
The Sullivan Underpass that is one of only a few ways out of town is picturesque, as long as you don't look too close under the tunnel. Slobs tend to drop litter and other stuff there. You can see a tiny bit of green peeking out on the hills.
Most of all, my favorite part about this is that the hills are turning green. It will have to keep raining to sustain this, especially this early in the year, but the heavy rain and it's follow up surprise rain a few days later allowed the hills to turn.

Walking down School Street next to the elementary school is pretty!
Uh oh, the washing machine drains into a sink using some old technology that I don't understand, especially the part where a stocking is tied to the hose, and apparently is wasn't working when I went in to check on the laundry.

Inside it got quite wet. I guess this is when it is good that the laundry is in the garage and not an inside laundry room, although laundry rooms don't usually have this sink/stocking technology.

No pictures, but Tabby is still next door, and the white kitten ran up the tree when I was out front clipping the ground cover. I went in to get my camera and she was gone when I returned.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Weekend photos - cats and knitting and things

Yesterday the weather was beautiful, with wispy clouds. Will cleaned the gutters. I was glad when he was finally off the roof.I'm knitting some baby socks. Here they are next to me wearing the first pair of socks I ever knitted - for size differential!

Mow and Zig on the bed! What a surprise when I walked in and saw this!

Mowry moved off the cat bed, and even closer to Zig!

Ok, I admit it. I staged the picture below by moving Mowry right next to Ziggy, but no one panicked. The other two pictures above were not staged!Rumor has it that Tabby has been spoken for and will soon have a new home.
He was supposed to be picked up yesterday, but the person didn't show, so who knows!

Today there were some gray clouds hovering overhead when we walked into town. There is a slight chance of rain tomorrow, but it sure looked like a huge chance this afternoon.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I figured out how to post a video! RAIN RAIN RAIN and things...

This yarn is from Stitches earlier this year. It reminds me of bubble gum. Oh my, I think I see all three cats on the bed at the same time. That's Ziggy in the foreground, as far away from Alex and Mowry as he can get, but they are all on the bed at the same time, and that is progress.

Alex is on the window perch in the office. It's first come, first served since there's only one. Notice the raindrops on the window behind him. We took out the window fans last night, and not a day too early. The wind blew the rain onto the window, and that could have been bad if the fans (and open window) remained.

I gave away lots and lots of pineapple guavas. I'm so glad they didn't go directly to the green bin, as they did last year. I didn't get to pick these up before the rain came. Most of these were the small ones that I left after picking up larger ones for people on my Yahoo Group and for my neighbor.
Now we have not only a pool of water out there, but MANY more pineapple guavas in the mess. The wind has been fierce, so many more PGs have fallen off the tree.

More water a few hours later.
I just figured out how to do a video on my camera. Check out the wind and rain by clicking on the arrow below. I just watched and I realized there is sound, too! Next time I'll capture the rain in the sunroom. That sound is AMAZING!

There are raindrops on the camera at the train station.

And my kitchen window has raindrops on it, too. I guess I WILL be washing windows after all.